-Chapter 4.1-

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-Chapter 4.1 🌊 Go on Account-

Overpowering perfume and pungent liquor assailed Sybil's nose the second her boots touched the sand. Back home, perfumes were a luxury only the nobles on the northeastern side of the island could afford. On the rare occasion Sybil got ahold of any she'd sell it to a merchant's daughter because personally, she always found the scent to be nauseating and right then wasn't any different. Though, it shocked her to smell so much of it, but it was nothing compared to the scent of alcohol. In Fuegorynth, rum was readily consumed at brunch and supper for want of a mild distraction from the heat, but here it appeared to be as much a necessity as water. Why? She didn't have a bloody clue.

The smell was not the only thing that struck her as odd. No buildings lined the shore aside from an old shack with a barnacle covered anchor lying decoratively on the roof. The entrance was wide open and curiosity drew Sybil to crane her neck to get a glimpse of what was inside. Fish hooks hung high on the ceiling, but the overall short height of the shack made her wonder exactly how many sailors they'd caught. The shop was home to walls of fishing rods, nets, ammunition, crates, and all the materials a sailor could ask for. Half of Sybil had expected it to be a tavern, but then again, she knew imagining all islands to be the same as her home was foolhardy indeed.

Giggling tore Sybil's focus away, towards a much less pleasant sight. The 'dancers' that had Quinton's grubby talons snatching the spyglass away from Thatcher, had Sybil scrunching up her nose in distaste. Women lured drunken men into calm waters, as if sirens arranging for their lights to be extinguished in the sea. The men soon reached the ocean and attempted to snatch the women to get what they paid for, but the 'dancers' easily glided aside and the game continued.

"I'd scold you for sightseeing lassie, but I can't imagine what you'd be looking at. There's been nothing out here for as long as I can remember."

Taking her eyes off the floundering couples, if that is even what one would call them, Sybil gave the Captain a disapproving shake of her head. She wasn't keen on revealing what had held her attention for so long, but in the very least she could caution his poor choice of diction, "Better watch yourself Cap. I'm a lad through and through now, remember?"

He gestured at the vacant beach, an annoyed frown marring his already unkempt face. Maybe while they were there Sybil could convince Thatcher to clean up some, so he wouldn't be such an eyesore. He wasn't hideous, she could tell that much, but she never knew a man to not give two conch shells as much as he. "Who's going to hear us, lassie? Everyone is either asleep or too drunk to tell their chin from their toes."

"The sea listens. It hears all shouts, all woes, and most of all, it hears all secrets," she quoted the words her mother used to tell her before life came crashing down around her.

Thatcher, for once, took Sybil by surprise, "Don't be dim. The sea has no ears."

Sybil gawked at Thatcher as he did her. For one who believed in what was proven and one who preached the old ways, neither could trust their own ears, forget the sea's. Sybil was the first to speak, "Did you have a change in heart about your mystical dragons?"

"Nay, they are as true as you and I." Thatcher gave Sybil a cold, scrutinizing glare, before stealing a glance up at the early sky. He resembled a crazed man, conversing with imaginary dragons, that'd supposedly soar through the clouds. "I knew ye were false, but when did you start buying into that shite?"

"It isn't shite! The sea is right in front of us. How can you not believe? It's more apparent than those dragons you rave on about."

"That's a load of codswallop. Dragons are living, breathing creatures. A tree cannot see; the air cannot speak; and the sea definitely cannot hear."

"Living, breathing creatures made up in jest. Tell me, when have you ever seen one?" Not giving him time to answer she went on, "Were you downing pints of rum when you did? I'm sure it was large and fierce. Way more realistic than the water you make a living off."

He growled and reached for his cutlass before stopping himself. Too far. Instead, he chose to do something he knew would annoy her much more. He agreed with her. "Aye and it was as large as three brigs, with teeth sharper than any sword. Her scales glowed red and I feared to touch them because surely, they were as hot as coals. Ye should've seen the look in her eyes. Pure anger at cynics like you."

Sybil huffed and refused to listen any longer. She stomped away from the ship, kicking her boots into the sand. The growing winds covered her footsteps, leaving no trace she had ever been there. Thinking it valuable if someone wished to remain hidden, Sybil realized to the same extent one could easily become lost. If not for a cobblestone path that could be seen further inland she would still be wandering the long stretch of beach come nightfall. It was as good a path as any to follow.

Thatcher shortly chased after her because for whatever reason something told him she was bound to get in trouble. Maybe it was the fact she lacked currency. "Rowland!" he roared through the trees, causing a flock of birds to spring from their nests up in the canopy.

She paused and tapped her foot impatiently. "What?"

When he caught up, he was once again forced to resist the temptation to draw his cutlass. He would at least wait until she got her own blade. "I don't know why you keep fighting me. Do ye want me help or not?"

Nodding reluctantly, she headed out again, but more calmly.

"Agree to disagree?" she finally stated, when the silence became overbearing.

"Aye. Do me a favor though and save that anger for battle. If your bite is even half the size of your bark, the mightiest pirate captains will fall before you."

With the image of a terrified Thatcher kneeling before her in the forefront of her mind, Sybil strutted the last of their walk into town at ease.

A/N: I may upload parts 1.2 and 1.3 later today, but the likelihood is I'll post them tomorrow. I could not write as much as I would have liked to over the weekend because Father's Day was...well it was. XD Hopefully, you all had a wonderful weekend and will enjoy this chapter! :)

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