-Chapter 2.1-

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-Chapter 2.1 🌊 The Life of a Buccaneer-

"Uh, ahoy?" Sybil greeted oh so eloquently.

The pirate glanced at her quizzically once more, before pushing aside his reservations about the recruit permanently. What was one addled landlubber to him? Worst case scenario the boy would be dead by the end of the week and nothing would need to be said on the matter. "So, Cap, where're we heading? The men are craving to see the strumpets on the island over. There are some new men aboard. Tis a real shame they've never seen those nice brasser dungbies!"

The Captain's face glowed at the mention of the strumpets. Sybil threw up a little in her mouth. "Aye, tis a real shame indeed. What says you Rowland? Ought we pay them fine ladies a visit?" he teased, winking at Sybil - Rowland - when the other pirate turned his focus back on the boy.

Grumbling with disgust and anger, Sybil gave a curt nod, holding her hands in tight fists behind her back. She glowered, but knew she had no choice in the matter if she wanted to keep up their ruse. No pirate would decline...nice brasser dungbies as the Captain's friend politely phrased it. "If we must."

He slapped his hand on her shoulder, grinning like a maniac. "Aye, good lad, we leave immediately."

They boarded the ship faster than Sybil would've liked now knowing her rescue mission was being put on hold for the men's leisure. Her concerns weren't put to rest when she stepped on deck and got a closer look at what was supposed to be one of the finest pirate crews in all the world. The men sung shanties, slurring their words, while swabbing the floors and chugging rum. Aside from the alcohol they looked like children without a care in the world. How could they help her when they could barely stand up right?

"Relax, they're just having a bit of fun. You can't work this job all day and all night without it. It'd drive you mad. Trust me, you'll see," Thatcher whispered in her ear when no one was looking.

He would've preferred to let her hope wither away some more because the look of disappointment on her face was priceless, but that just seemed cruel.

She nodded, but the knot in the pit of her stomach did not untangle itself. It was her father at stake and no one could ruin that for her. Maybe she should've found a different crew. Sybil had heard of Thatcher's tendency to mix work with pleasure, but she thought... Well, she didn't know what she thought. Gnawing on her bottom lip as she always did when bothered, Thatcher took notice, but chose to ignore it. If she didn't believe they were decent pirates, then why the bloody hell did she ask to join his crew? He readjusted his attention back on the men who had gathered before him.

"Cap's back!"

"Where do ye think we're heading?"

"If he says Fuegir I'm going to hurl."

"What's wrong with Fuegir?" a lot of the men demanded, sour over the insult towards their home.

"It's too damn hot!"

Several pirates shut their traps, knowing the blistering heat well, but for others that was not explanation enough. "I'll show ye hot! If Fuegoryth is ever found, I'll serve ye up as a sacrifice!"

Scowling, both men shoved up their sleeves and charged. Shaking his head, the Captain fired his pistol in the air. "Avast ye, scoundrels!" The crew froze in place and he tucked his pistol away. "Rowland here, has joined our crew. He says the Isle of Dancers is the place to be. What says ye scurvy dogs? Shall we quench his thirst?"

The men whistled and hollered, followed by a chorus of 'ayes'. Thatcher gave Rowland a knowing look. "Hear that lad, the isle awaits us."

Groaning, Sybil fought the urge to scream, but of course Rowland would never cry upon hearing the news. "Argh, the only way this could get any better would be if we saw a galleon on our way there." Surely there'd be a Man-O-War or two with her to blow them to smithereens.

"That's the spirit! Now handsomely men, we haven't got forever!"

The pirates went fast to work manning the deck and dropping the sails. Before Sybil could believe it, they were off, leaving the only home she'd ever known a small speck in the horizon. "Goodbye mom," she breathed, hoping she would understand.

After she had received news of the brigantine with red sails and a golden dragon on its flag docking in their port early that morning, she had rushed out of the house in a hurry. Sybil wrote a note goodbye, but it wasn't as if her mother would ever see it. Since Sybil lost her father, her mother changed in ways Sybil wished she could forget. At first, she was angry and would hit Sybil over trivial things like not washing the dishes, or staying out too late, or simply being under the wrongful impression that Sybil was lying. Sybil wasn't sure if she was upset or relieved about what happened after a few months. Her mother stopped talking aside from mumbled words like 'yes', or 'no', or 'sure'. She wouldn't even call what her mother did existing anymore. When the pirates raided that mine, she had lost two parents instead of one.

Staring out over the blue chasm surrounding her, she hungered to see her family whole, not those night-walkers on the isle. There were more important things to be done and to be seen. All of the pirates were too blinded to notice the beauty in front of them, so they had to seek it out in the most perverse ways. The sun, the unspoken artist of the world, painted the water hues of yellow and purple. It was stunning. If only she were seeing it under different circumstances.

"Rowland?" Thatcher asked, leaning beside Sybil on the railing.

"Aye?" she bellyached, not in the best of moods.

"We should probably finish our talk from earlier."

Sighing, Sybil pushed herself up from the railing. "Aye."

The pirate, who had first greeted them, walked up beside Thatcher. "Shall I give the recruit a tour of the ship?"

"Nay, Matthias. Check on Oliver. After our last skirmish at sea, he's been rather messed up in the head."

Matthias grimaced. "I think we all are. Never seen a battle so bloody."

"It was one of the bad ones," Thatcher agreed as Matthias went off in search of Oliver.

Sybil watched the conversation silently and deemed it best not to press the issue. It wasn't her place. "Where to, Cap?"


Gotta love those pirates! XD

Let me know how you all like the story and if you think Sybil will be able to keep up her disguise!


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