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Matt goes to a Halloween party with Ryan, he regretted dressing up for the party in a costume, but he meets someone in a similar outfit to his.
•Inspired by: zsobee ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(Picture: 2ch0rd - Tumblr)

  >>Matt's POV

"Ryan, why didn't you wear a costume! Now I'm gonna look stupid walking in the party!" I said as I was getting into Ryan's car. "Hey, at least it's not the both of us embarrassing ourselves, it's only one of us." I huffed and crossed my arms. I was going to the party as a character from Katamari, the Queen of all Cosmos. Ryan would joke around and say how much I looked like her, so I decided to go as her. Instant regret. I had to wear a dress, or gown, whatever you call it. Besides all of that, I brought the head piece. I wasn't wearing it, at the time. We were in the car, so I'd decided to wear it once we got out. "Ryan, do you know anybody at this party?"
"Not really, I was hoping you would."
"Ryan! How can you bring me to a party you don't know about?!"
"Hey, I knew about it, I just don't know anybody there. But, hey, it's Halloween. Maybe people are wearing costumes, and it'll be like a masquerade party!"
"Ryan, this isn't even a masquerade party. It's a Halloween party, for teens."
"Okay, then why are you wearing a costume?"
"I-- fine, I'll shut up."
We talked along the way, mainly about the party. After a while, we were there. Ryan held open the door for me. "M'lady." I laughed and walked in. It was a dark party, of course, but as I was about to go to people, Ryan stopped me. "Hey, be at the door by 12:00. I don't want to stay any longer than that." I nodded and went off looking for where the food was. I didn't put on the head piece, even though I wouldn't exactly be hitting anybody with it considering my height. "Hey." A voice said behind me. "Are you dressed up as the Queen of all Cosmos?" I was still looking for where the voice was coming from. A shortier, chubbier boy with facial hair was talking to me. "Oh, yeah, and you must be the King of all Cosmos?"
"Ha, yeah."
"Did you know this wasn't going to be a costume party?"
"No, my friends just dropped me off here and told me that they'd be here for a while."
"Same here."
"You're pretty tall for a queen."
"And you're pretty short for a king."
Blushing? Is he blushing? He laughed a bit, but I couldn't tell what he was feeling. "I'm Julian, by the way."
"I'm Matt." I gave him a smile, he smiled back. For the rest of the party, me and Julian hung out in the corner. I assumed Ryan was making some friends somewhere. I texted him to make sure everything was okay.

Me: hey ryan u good
                                            Ryan: yeah im good 🅱️

Yeah, he's fine.
"Matt, your hair looks really nice."
I stuttered for words.
"T-thanks, J--jules..,"
Jules? What the fuck, Matt?
"Jules? I like that nickname!" Julian laughed. Well at least my stuttering is entertaining for somebody. After a while, music was put on. This was a pretty big place, so there'd be room for dancing. But, I don't dance. Julian got up from the place we were sitting at and offered me his hand. "Ha-ah, I don't dance.."
"Matt! C'mon! Just a slow dance?"
"Julian, this isn't even a slow dance song. This is a remix. And we're at a Halloween party not a prom.."
"Excuses, excuses!"
Before I knew it, Julian grabbed my hand and pulled me up, close to him. He smiled at me, I can feel my cheeks grow hotter. He started dancing, still holding my hand. Actually, now both of my hands. I started moving my pace up to his. "See, you're good at this!"
"I can see you've had practice."
"Have not, I just make it up as I go, or I just remember a scene from a movie."
After a little while of us dancing, he spun me around. He held my back from me falling and I brought myself closer. Before I had the chance to make a move. Some idiot standing on a chair grabbed a flashlight and shined it on us, like a spotlight. I realized that that idiot was my idiot! "Ryan!"
"Now, kiss!"
We had people watching at this point. I put my attention to Julian. I leaned in and so did he, and, we kissed. Could've been longer if we didn't need air. The party went on, and me and Ryan stayed there past 12:00. People were leaving, but we didn't care. Me, Julian, Ryan, and his new friends stayed there.

(Morning Now)

I woke up in a bed. Not my bed. And I woke up being hugged by someone. Not by my anime body pillow. I threw off the covers and saw myself and Julian in boxers, our costumes tossed to the corner of my room. I opened up the camera on my phone and saw "SLUT" written on my forehead. What the fuck Julian.

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