Polarize • 9

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The two lovebirds sat worriedly in the emergency room. Gwen got to go into a room right away, unlike the people in the lobby with a stomach ache or a flu. They told Blake that he couldn't come in since he wasn't family, but Gwen cried and begged them to let him in at least until her family arrived, so they gave in.

They had Gwen strip off all her clothes except her undergarments and sit on the little hospital bed. Blake sat in a chair besides it. The door had to be open at all times so a nurse could see her, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

"It's gonna be okay, Gwen." Blake soothed, caressing her hand.

"They must think I'm insane." Gwen said. She thought about the conversation with her nurse earlier.

"Why are you here, Gwen?" The woman asked.

"I want to kill myself." Gwen replied simply. She grasped onto Blake's hand.

"How long have you been having these thoughts?" the nurse asked.

"It feels like my whole life," Gwen replied. "I can barely remember a time before my depression. But, just to answer you, I would say approximately eight years."

"That's a long time." the nurse spoke. "I see you were admitted to a behavioral hospital when you were nine, for anxiety. But, you haven't gotten any help after that. Why?"

"I was too scared to tell anyone." Gwen sucked her head.

"Do you self harm or have a plan?" the nurse asked softly.

"I cut my arms. And no, I'm pretty spontaneous." Gwen said.

The nurse signaled her to reveal her arms, so the fuel rolled up her sleeves to reveal her dozens of scars, from left to right to up and down.

"The surveyor will come in soon to evaluate if you need to be sent to a behavioral hospital. She will ask you more questions. Until then, I'm Nurse Celine, and if you need anything just press the call button on the remote over there." and then, the nurse left the room to put Gwen's information into the computer system.

"They don't think I'm insane. I'm sure they have many people a day with the same reason you're here." Blake tried to comfort her.

"Why me? Why did I have to be the one with mental problems?" Gwen asked, more to herself than Blake. But, he replied anyway.

"You believe in God, right?" He asked, and the girl nodded, even though she didn't know at this point in her life. "Then, you've heard people say that God puts us here for a reason. He gives us a problem and we gotta solve it. Maybe yours is mental health issues."

Gwen sighed, laying back in her hospital bed. "What's going to happen?"

"I don't know. Nobody does. That's why we gotta take it one day at a time, sunshine." Blake gave her a weak smile.

"And if I can't?" Gwen asked meekly.

"Then we take it one hour at a time. We take a minute at a time, and a second at a time. Whatever pace works for you." Blake soothed.

"I think I love you, Blake." Gwen said, still not sure how to love one. If she can't even love herself, how is she supposed to love others?

"No you don't," Blake claimed. "You need to learn how to love yourself first, Sunshine. But, I love you."

She linked her hands with his, scared for the future. Where would she go? What would happen to Blurryface?

She heard her parents in the background. She sat up and hugged Blake, curling into his torso.

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