Doubt • 8

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It was Monday, and Gwen decided she would finally go back to school. She thought it would be easy, but it wasn't.

Blurryface was furious at her. He screamed at her all night for trying to get rid of them and tried to tell her lies. It took Gwen's entire soul to not give into the voice.

She was scared of herself, her immaturity. She realized that fear might be the death of her, not depression. The only reason she put up with Blurryface is because she was scared to get rid of them. Who would she be if Blurryface went away?

She had dared to hope that Blake hadn't forgotten about her in the time she was gone. She wondered if he looked the same, even though it had barely been two weeks. She wondered if he had moved on. He was one of the hot guys in the school, it wouldn't be hard to forget her compared to the other girls.

She hadn't slept a minute, but she was more determined than ever to speak to the boy that was able to tear her heart. If he did it before, maybe he could do it again.
"Blake, you look like shit." Adam told his friend as they walked around the halls.

"Why, thank you. I was basing my look after you." Blake snarled, not in the mood for Adam's crap.

"Did you sleep last night?" Adam asked, noticing the dark circles under the boy's eyes.

"No." Blake replied simply. The truth was, he hadn't slept in over two nights. He was thinking about Gwen most of the time.

He felt crazy. He had his heartbroken before, but he never reacted like this. He yearned for the blonde-headed girl. They were only sixteen and seventeen, but he felt something with her. Something that he never wanted to go away.

"Adam, shut up." Christina said. She grabbed the pretty boy's hand. "We'll see you later, Blake." the girl gave him a pity smile and dragged Adam away with her.

Blake sighed. He should just get over it. But somehow, his heart wouldn't let him. It still didn't blind the doubt he had in his mind about his relationship with Gwen, though.

He shoved his rusty locker shut and walked to math class. This was his favorite class, only because Gwen was in it. When he eventually came back to school, he learned that Gwen hadn't been showing up either. He feared the worst, but what was he supposed to do? She told him to stay in his lane, so he was.

The last thing he expected was for the blonde beauty to be sitting in her usual seat by the window, but life apparently likes to throw him the unexpected, because she was there, looking as beautiful as ever.
Gwen twiddled her thumbs as she sat in her math class, waiting to see those blue eyes she found herself thinking about all the time.

Doubt took over the girl. He probably doesn't want to speak with me. I totally blew him off. I told him to stay in his lane. Why did I do that? He probably hates me. But, beside her thoughts, she wasn't letting her mind get in the way of her life this time. She was going to be in control for once.

She could feel someone glaring at her. She instantly felt nervous. Maybe she hadn't covered her scars well enough, or she had something in her hair or on her face. Then, she looked up to realize it was him. Blake.

He looked tired. You could see his dark circles from a mile away. He slouched, looking defeated and fragile. She almost gasped when she saw him.

Did I do this to him? Gwen thought to herself.

They just stared at each other. They showed no emotion, but their heads were going crazy with thoughts about each other. She wanted to jump up and cry on his shoulder, or kiss him on the lips until both of them couldn't breathe. But, she couldn't do that. Finally, she looked away. She knew what she had to do, even if it meant giving up everything she worked so hard to hide.

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