Algees lies | Keiths comfort pt3

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Wattpad is quick to flag comments with the f word & b word so be careful ! *** chapter contains no sex **
Also keep in mind this is still a book of Imagines .
It's not a real story so if it seems rushed that's why .

" Girl you look fine ." My best friend Raven said smacking her lips . I sighed heavily as I rubbed my hands down my sides . It had been a good 5 months since that fiasco between Algee Keith & myself at Woodys bday party . I'd since reconciled with Algee & tried to make things work but I was too insecure now . He couldn't take the trash out without me thinking he was going to see another bitch . & Keith had practically vanished . He wasn't active on social media anymore & he'd stop answering my
Phone calls. I'd sunken into a deep depression because of that ,gaining at least 50 lbs & it all went to wrong places . Raven was here to attempt to make me feel better by taking me out to eat , because that was my favorite thing to do but I didn't think that'd be the smartest thing to do in my current state . I shrugged my shoulders & grabbed my jacket ready to do anything to get my mind off of my current troubles . We were walking outside to get in her car when I saw Algee in the driveway on the phone . When he saw me he put his phone down & frowned as if he already knew what was coming . I walked up to his car & waited for him to roll the windows down . He turned the car off & got out instead , reaching out to hug me . I stepped back placing my hand on his chest .
" Who was that ?" I asked heart pounding . He sighed & threw his head back .
" My manager ." He said calmly . I shook my head
" Then why couldn't you come inside & take the call ?" I folded my arms.
" I'm not doing this shit with you Nevaeh . My day was great thanks for asking" He said brushing past me to go inside . I followed suit .
" Not doing what ? Can't think of a lie fast enough huh ?" I said getting in his face . He ignored me walking into our bedroom .
" Algee I hate being ignored either talk to me or
I'm out ." I yelled .
" LEAVE THEN ! I'm tired of Trying to prove
Myself to you " Algee screamed at me red in the face now . I started crying . I'm not sensitive but he never screams at me & it just struck a nerve .
" You wouldn't have to if you never cheated on me !" I said through tears .
" and if you loved me you wouldn't stop trying ." I confessed to him . I turned around when I heard something hit the floor in the background .
There was Raven standing awkwardly . She motioned towards the door
" I'm just gonna go .." she mouthed . I forgot she was here .

" Baby ... I do love you . You know that , but I can't keep doing this . I realized how wrong I was the first time I hurt you & I haven't even thought about doing it since . I've been telling you this over & over again for half a year & you still don't trust me. I can tell you aren't happy anymore . Your face doesn't light up the way it used to when you see me anymore . I don't know what to do but to give you space Nevaeh . Maybe for good . Idk . " Algee said looking away . I only continued to cry because he was right . I don't think I could ever trust him again . I wanted to be with him because thats what I was used to . But it just wouldn't work . I hugged him tight . Crying into his shoulders . He wrapped his arms around me rubbing my back . We didn't say anything else that night . We knew this day was coming . We agreed to keep in touch & remain friends since we couldn't totally let go . Who knows maybe we'd get back together.

The next day I got on Facebook determined to find Keith . I felt like that was who I was meant to be with from the beginning . Or maybe I could just give it a try . It wasn't really updated just like when I saw it 5 months ago . He'd changed his profile pic last month & that was about it . He decided to grow facial hair . He truly looked like a snack now . In the comments I saw a bunch of mutual friends calling him a great value Chris brown & his mom telling him to call & fans expressing their love to him . He responded to a few . But there was one comment in particular that caught my eye . Pepi , a woman who he'd been working with on a new show apparently . It said
" you look so fine babe " .

I felt myself get a little jealous . Who did I think I was ? This was not my man . I ended up on her page . She was very pretty . Prettier than me . I felt defeated . There was no way Keith would
Choose me over her . I almost closed the app before I saw his name on her wall . He mentioned a meet & greet they were having at Barnes & nobles this Friday .
I guess that's where I was going to be .

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