Chapter 1

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I wake up to notice I'm chained to a bed..

The lights are off and it smells like rust and stale water

The Games Have begun.

If they truly have I know that there have to be five other teenagers in here.

"Hello!" I yell not caring for a response. I know how to get out of this. I just need to know my competition.

Suddenly I hear a high pitched noise piercing my ears.

It was a scream.

The lights turn on.

I blink a couple times to see a girl with fair skin and curly hair strapped to a chair in the corner with black thick duck tape across her mouth,, eyes wide awake and aware of her surroundings

I look to my left and see a brown skinned boy with nappy hair and big brown eyes chained to a bed.

To the far left corner I see a Carmel skinned girl with glasses chained and strapped to a chair she was asleep too along with the brown skinned boy. Next to her was another girl with long dark brown curly hair this girl had olive skin and appeared older then us she was tied up

Lastly in the right corner was a tan skinned boy with brown curly hair ... He had... A clock like thing strapped to his chest

In red it said *9:56*

About another minute went by and the same high pitched scream went off

What was it saying??

Suddenly a screen appeared out of the wall

And a masked person appeared

"HEY!" His voice boomed the room awakening everyone else

"Hello my masterminds,"

He said his mask turned into a smile instead of a stale face.

"Who are you?!" The brown skinned boy asked with pure anger

"Now don't ask questions Thomas

Just listen very closely. You're bright children so you'll do as I say, am I rigt?" No one dared to speak.

He chuckled.

"Good, when you do as I say you get rewards!" I cocked my head to the side

"On Jalens Chest is not a clock it's a bomb! Now you figure out the rest!" And just like the screen appeared it disappeared.

The clock or should I say bomb now was on 6:25 and we had to figure out something

I rubbed my rusty chains against the brick wall and finally they broke

I fell to the ground

The fair skinned girls cheeks had now gotten red realizing that she was next to a live ticking time bomb


Another piercing went off


I went to the boy as he was struggling to get the bomb off

"Stop panicking!! You're gonna kill us all!"


I went over to the chocolate skinned boy and told him to rub his chains together

He reluctantly did as he was told and got free

"Now what?!"

Thomas and I were scared

"What do we do now??!"


We only had a minute left

I told him to give me the rusty chains and he looked as if he was going to question me but decided against it


I gathered them together and broke the glass on the bomb

The boy underneath the bomb looked scared but had a look in his eyes


He trusted me with his life

Rule #1

*Dont Show Emotion*

The bomb was ticking





I grabbed the rusty chains hoping this will stop the bomb more than activate it.

I hope he's not the first dead.

He trusts me.


I used the rusty chains to break through the bomb

Rule #2

Don't Catch Feelings

But I think I already have

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