Chapter 6

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Everyone around Yuya were shocked,  even Shoon,  how did he know this important information??  What does he mean by biological son??

"W-What Are You Saying Yuya?? ". Hikaru said with a shaked voice,  Yuya hold his head and sit on thechair covering his face to calm his anger.

"Hikaru.... This is really complicated for you,  but my dad told me everything about you, and again I am sorry for not telling you about this,  this is really sensitive topic to talk about but you need to know everything ". Yuya said and Hikaru sit next to him.

"Yuya,  Tell Me Everything You Know!  EVERYTHING!!". Hikaru shout as he feel like he know nothing about his life,  what is going on around him? 

"Ok......My father is actually your mother's older brother,  we are cousins Hikaru, but your mother didn't know that your father was cheating on her with another woman and that woman get pregnant with Taiyo, when she give birth to him she throw him on your father saying she don't want him,  your father wasn't sure if Taiyo is his real son or not so he leave Taiyo with a maid until your mother give birth to you and bead,  after that he bring Taiyo to the house to raise you together,  but......He treated you differently, all the blame on Taiyo,  all the hate on Taiyo,  he Never Acknowledge him as his son, about why are you important for him,  your mother is from rich family,  as you can see,  she is from Takaki's family, your father married her just for money,  and to take a position in the business he need something related to Takaki family to take that position which is you,  the son of Takaki Maiko". Yuya said and look at Hikaru's shocked face.

"I..... Have Nothing To Say". Hikaru said and stand up facing the corner.

"Hikaru..... Sorry,  But We Really Have To Stop Your Father,  He is Dangerous For Our Family Business and The Others,  He Know About Yabu And Inoo And I Know That Since We Are Following Him, He Want To Take You Back And After He take His Position....I'm  Afraid He Will Do Something To You! Please Hikaru". Yuya said and stand up but he lose his balance and his Butler catch him.

"Young Master Are You Ok??". Hikaru turn to look at Yuya who was holding his head.

"Yuya....I appreciate your worrisome but.... Leave it aside". Hikaru said and Yuya frown.

"WHAT?!!  BUT----".

"You Are Tired And Need To Take a Rest!  I Will Do It!". Yuya and the others were shocked to hear that and Shoon stand in front of him.

"Hikaru!  Do You Know What Are You Talking About???". He said worriedly and Hikaru smile to him.

"Yes I do~ if Yuya the stupid one turn out a CEO,  how about me the smart one??  I'm from Takaki Too right?  I think I am smart like my mother not father". He said as he giggle.

"Hikaru,  this is----".

"Not a game,  I am aware of the consequences but I will go with my plan".

"What plan?? ".

"Go to father".  Everyone look at him with their open mouth and stand in front of him.

"LIKE HELL I WILL LET YOU GO TO HIM!!". Yuya shout at him.

"NO WAY I WILL LET YOU GO BACK!". Shoon shouted too.

"IT'S SO DANGEROUS TO RETURN NOW!". Kei joined them.


"Ma Ma Minna~ My Ears~ Would you trust me a little?".

A ring from Yuya's phone take their attention and he answer it.

"Yes........ REALLY?!!.....Bring Him Here!..... Thank You". He hung up and he look at Hikaru.

"You Don't Have To Return To Your Father, We Found Yabu-kun's Brother in His Work,  He Will Come Now!". They sighed in relief.

"Even so,  I will return to dad,  I will face him and stop him alone".


"Please Everyone,  he is my father,  I know that he did a lot of troubles not to you only,  to other people too,  as his son I have to stop him,  I will not let him do what he want,  I will not put my friends on danger,  it's less dangerous on me and more on you,  so let me beal with him alone,  please". Hikaru bowed deeply to them and they look at each other in worried.

"I don't think we can't change your mind then,  do what you what,  but if you need any help tell us". Yuya said as he sit on the chair.

"Thank you Yuya".


Kota's brother arrived to Yuya's house and told them that Hikaru's father know where he work and threat him, if he didn't do what he want he will take the house and kick him out of his work place, he thought that Hikaru with Kota, so he did what he want by lying to Kota that he is kidnapped if he didn't let Hikaru return to his father he will be killed.

Hikaru sighed as he heard Kota's brother story and shake his head,  how can his father do all this just because of the money?


It was pass midnight,  Hikaru opened the main door and Shoon walks behind him.

"Hikaru,  Please call me if you need help,  I will rush to you immediately". Shoon said as he send Hikaru off Takaki's house.

"You will come to America that fast??  Wow Shoon are you Superman or something?". Hikaru joke with him and Shoon pouted and whack his head.

"I'm Not Joking Baka!  This is a Serious Situation!! ". Shoon said firmly and Hikaru laughed.

"I know I Know,  you know me man". Hikaru said with a smile.

".....Yes,  I know You,  and That Makes Me Sad,  Please Stop Laughing When It's Hard For You,  You Are So Nervous That You Want To Cry Right?  You Can Cry,  But Don't Laugh Forcefully,  It's Not Cool". Shoon said firmly yet sadly,  Hikaru look at him and smile bitterly.

"Thanks Shoon.... You are really a good friend".  Shoon bite his lips and hug him tightly.

"Just.... Don't Let Him Do Something Bad To You,  Return Safely". Hikaru pat his back.

"I will,  tell the other I am sorry to leave them like that,  I don't want them to hold me back".

"I will". Shoon release Hikaru and Hikaru walk away.

Shoon close the door and turn back to the house he shocked to see three friends looking at him coldly.

"Shoon right??  Do you think you are the  one who know Hikaru??". Kei said flatly and Shoon smile awkwardly.

"That Bakaki,  he think he can snack outside my house without my knowing? Baka". Yuya said as he take out his phone.

"He think he will stop us from doing something?  Sorry Hika". Kota said firmly.

"....Thanks,  Everything is ready,  are you guys ready??". Yuya said after he close his phone.

"R-Ready For What??". Shoon ask them and they look at him with a smirk.

"Show Time~".


YES IT'S SHOW TIME!...(^o^)/
Next is the last chapter,  let's see how will the friends help Hikaru~....ȏ.̮ȏ

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