Chapter 2

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Yuya stayed next to Hikaru during the break time, he was reading some magazine when Satumi-Sensei come and stand next to him.

"Yuya-kun, there is someone looking for Hikaru-kun". Yuya turn to look at her.

"Who is it??".

Satumi point at the door and Yuya look at him, the guy bowed to him and Yuya know him.

"I'm Young Master's personal butler Shoon, I'm here to take Young Master to the hospital". Shoon said and Yuya look at Hikaru.

".....Do His Father Know?!".

"....No, I'm doing this alone, if he knows he won't let me go out of the house". Shoon said and make Yuya sighed.

"Ok then, make sure that he go home after the----".

"I will bring him back here". Shoon cut him and Yuya look at him.

"What? Why??".

"His father....Will come with me to take him from school, he want to make sure that he is at school, I will let young master rest at the hospital for three hours only then return him here". Shoon said and Yuya hold his head, he can't believe that this kind of fathers really exist.

"Ok, this is my number, tell me when you return from the hospital, I will wait for you". Yuya give a small paper to Shoon who bowed to him.

He take Hikaru to the hospital and Yuya return to his class, he saw a small paper on his table, he take it to read.

*I will leave early to see Kei.

"Huuu~ Those Friends are Really Troublesome~". He sighed and sit on his chair.

"Kei, Please let's talk".

Kota knock the door but no answer, when he return he heard Kei crying in his locked room, but when he talk to him he never reply.

"Kei....Please get out". Kota said softly, and after minutes the door opened.

".....He hate us".

Kei pouted and his tears fall, his eyes is so red from crying, Kota smile to him and pull him into a hug.

"I know, but we have to make him know the truth so he won't hate us anymore". Kei push him and shake his head.

"No! He Will Hate Us More!".

"But Kei----".

"I Know!! My Parents... His Father...Everything".

Kota widened his eyes and hold Kei's hand but he take it away.

"Kei You---".

"Yes I Know Everything!! Why Did I Came Back?! I Wanted To Tell Him! That My Parents Were So Cruel That it Was Ok With Them To Kill Their Son! Oh Wait! I'm NOT Their Son Anyway!!".

Kota frowned as he heard that, he never know that, he know that his parents threatened him but he didn't know that they said that to him, moreover he is NOT their son.


"They Never Wanted Me, Even When They Kidnapped Hika....They Said They Wish They Could Have a Son Like Him! Smart And Cool And Handsome!! Not A Girlie Looking Stupid Boy!! That's Why They Kidnap Him! Two Birds in One Hit! Am I Stupid?! Is Being a No.1 At School Consider As a Stupidity??". He shouted and Kota shake his head and hold his arms.

"Kei Please----".

"THIS IS TOO MUCH!!". Kei shout and push Kota away.

"Kota....I Can't Force Him, If He Hate Us Then Let Him Be, If you want to go and apologize go, he may forgive you, but me?....I think He will kill me, it's all my fault anyway, letting my parents do this to my best friend.....I'm the worse". Kei smile to him before he slam the door and lock it.

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