Chapter 1

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I fiddled with my cameras focus as I leant down to take a photo of this beautiful flower I saw on the ground, just as I went to take the photo the battery cut out. "Damn it." I mumbled to myself. I got back up and straightened out my sweater and fixed my beanie, I sighed and walked on. As I was walking I examined an antique store with beautiful paintings and dresses in the front window, I walked into the store and was hit with a smell of dusty books and light perfume in the air. I looked at all of the second hand items cluttered on shelves, I picked up a gold necklace with a petite swallow on the end of the linked chain, I searched around more, after a while I heard someone talking about a painting they liked of foxes in a meadow. I walked around the corner to be presented with tall boy standing straight talking to a camera? "That's a bit strange." I thought to myself. He turned around just as I walked back around the corner. I went to a shelf that was filled with old cd's and records. I searched through the records finding a couple I liked. I searched more around the store and found a dress and a couple sweaters I liked. I went to the cash register and payed for my items. I walked around the quite town until I checked the time. '5:30' Crap! I'm gonna be late for the bus. I quickly ran through to the town square and made it. I fixed up my beanie and sweater once again as I caught my breathe. I got on the bus and looked around all the seats we're taken by someone, I looked around and tried to find someone who didn't look like they were going to chop my head off or would stare at me the whole time. At the back of the bus I spotted the guy who was walking around with his camera earlier. I quickly walked to the back of the bus so I could avoid the awkward stares. I sat next to the boy. He shifted a bit. Me being me of course sat there awkwardly wondering what I should say. I quickly side looked at him. He had pale skin and jet black hair, he was wearing a black and white beanie and a black sweater with "MAN OVERBOARD DEFEND POP PUNK" on it. My heart almost skipped a beat, wait. It did skip a beat. My mind was rushing. Okay, so this guy is cute, has great music taste and fashion taste. What else could I want? I realized he was looking at me. I quickly turned my head away. I felt myself blushing. "He saw me looking! Oh god he's gonna think I'm weird and I'm a crazy stalker now! Why brain!" I thought. The rest of the bus ride was filled in silence and awkwardness. As soon as I got home I took a shower and had some leftover pizza and went to bed.

~I'm sorry if this is really long, I write a lot oops. :( If You want me to shorten the chapters just say something also I haven't really given a description of the main character but I want you to get to know her from the story~ <3 please favourite and share and all that cool stuff <3 ily.

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