14: Final Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

"Oh no" he says.

"Oh no? what do you mean 'oh no'?!" I say.

"Um, your powers, they aren't exactly natural" he says.

"Then what are they?" I ask.

"They're a curse" he says.

"A curse? Who would place a curs- Elphaba" I say.

"How do you get rid of this curse" Ava asks.

"There's no way to, it's to late" he says.

"So what's gonna happen?" I ask.

"Well, you have two options: one, stay here with us, but you will probably freeze the land, or two, leave for your old world and lose your memories of Storybrooke, the enchanted forest, and all of us" he says.

"So, either I leave and forget, or, I could freeze the land" I say as he nods.

"Then I have to leave" I say.

"There's one other thing you should know" he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Only one person can go back" he says.

"So I can't go with her?" Jared asks.

"I'm afraid not. your doubles will disappear and someone else will be casted as Henry" dad says.

"Then how will Jared stay here?" I ask.

"Well, there is a spell I found" he says.

"Oh. when do I have to leave" I ask.

"How long have you had these glitches?" he asks.

"Around a month" I say.

"Then sometime today" he says.

"Alright, but promise me something" I say.

"Anything" he says.

"Jared, stay safe, protect the town and don't get hurt training flame. mom, dad, I love you guys. Ava and Nick, thank you for being there for me, and I want you to have Elsa" I say handing them Elsa.

"Thank you for believing in me, and being the greatest best friend ever" Ava say as we hug. I let go of Ava and we both smile.

"I'm gonna miss you" Nick says as we both hug. I let go of Nick and smile at mom and dad.

"You ready to go?" mom asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I say.

"Why don't you guys go to the portal and I'll tell everyone" she says.

"Okay" I say as she leaves and then we all leave.

"Just over a year ago I didn't know any of you. and now, I'm having to forget you guys and go back to our world" I say.

"Remember when we first met, we were so different back" he says.

"I don't even know that girl anymore" I say.

"Neither do I" Jared says as we get to the portal and everyone's there.

"Wait, if my birth parents were in New York then who will be my parents in the other world?" I ask.

"Those were they're doubles" dad says.

"Weird" I say as I walk over to Red and Granny and hug them both.

"I'll miss you guys" I say as they both smile and I walk back over to the dwarfs and hug all of them.

"I'll miss you guys too" I say.

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