" alright, finish up. And Joman said to call him before y'all go to bed. He want you, Man, and your dad on the phone together. " she said, before getting up and walking away.

I licked my lips and put my books away. Whenever I come down here in a good mood it always get kilt bro, ima need this 'talent' to start paying bills so I can move out with Ayo.

9:59 pm

" no, no, no, no. We aren't paying 1,000 for a new mask. " my dad argued with his co-manager.

We had two managers, one for when my dad was away, so basically full time, and my dad just wanna be involved too, so he manage us too.

" look, I'm just saying Chanel and Gucci things are popular with the young crowd, after Migos. " Joman argued.

" well, that's too bad. Tators perfectly fine with his panda and Man's good with his bape. Next. " Dad said, getting his way.

" okay, okay. Have it your way. Last topic of discussion is Usher. He's not going to be able to make it to the taping next week, and the only other time he's available is the first Saturday of next month. " Joman told us.

" A'ight, den reschedule dat jawn. We ain't doin it witout homie Ush. " Man added in.

" I agree. " Dad added in.

" alrighty then- " Ayleo childish ass started cracking up.

Jomar said the dumbest shit sometimes, and it would be hard ash to keep a straight face. But I know, this nigga ain't just say Alrighty. I joined in laughing with Ayo til' dad was like

" hey, hey hey. "

Nigga if you don't-

" anyways, as I was saying, it's settled. I'll email Usher' s management now to let them where coolio with the new dealio. " This nigga Jomar said. I looked at Ayo and this nigga face was turning red from trying not to laugh. He lightskin, but damn how a homie of color face turn red. I held in my laugh too, cuz shit was funny ash.

" alright, well thats all. Goodbye guys." Jomar said.

" bye. " we all said, then the line went dead.

" this nigga said ' coolio with the dealio' " Ayo said, mocking Jomar.

" that bout the whitest black I done eva seent. " I shook my head.

" facts bro. " Ayo laughed.

" ight nigga, I'm finna take my ass to sleep, goodnight lor one. " Ayo said.

I laughed. " goodnight homie. "

1:54 am

I was liking pictures and shit on Instagram when I thought I heard the front door open. My dumbass was like

" is that dad? Nah that nigga always gone" So I figured it was one of Ayos lor barbies. I heard giggling and shit coming from Ayo room so I knew it was one of his girls. He lucky mom and dad room downstairs, and also the fact that I ain't a snitch. I was still on my phone wen I heard a knock on my door.

" wus poppin? " I answered.

" yo, teo... " Ayo said, poking his head in my room.

" yea, bro? "

" you got some sauce packets? I just needed one not because there's any shorties over, but becau- " I cut him off by tossing a condom at him. This nigga always call it sauce cuz it looks like a ramen noodle sauce packet.

" glooks, bro. " he said then walked out. Couple seconds later I heard moans and shushing. I laughed. Ayo was a hustla, no front.

But broo, it's deadass getting me tight hearing ass clapping and moans all night. I cussed and grabbed my blanket and pillow and walked downstairs. I was bouta sleep on the stairs, that's how tired I was. I took my ass to the basement because it was cold asl downstairs. My moms  just got this new couch made of some typa animal skin and she ain't want it to spoil and start shedding, some typa shit like dat, so downstairs cold asl. All that bih know is A.C

I crawled my ass down to the basement, no lie bro that's the warmest place in the house. Once I hit dat couch in the basement i slept like a baby.




how y'all feel about dis story? It's basically a shmateo love story. First two chapters is basically an intro to the characters and dey life and allat. O yea and ima be calling Ayo four different names throughout the book and dey are: Man, Ayo, Ayleo, and Ogleloo.
Teo: Shmateo Mateo, Tator, Teo
Lmaoo... And yeah dats all i guess and next chapter is introducing the girl antagonist and no it ain't Jade.. lmao. Ight y'all, I'm out dis.

- Dejani 💚🖤

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