Chapter 8

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Amanda's POV

The loud, shrill scream from Miko startled me, even though I knew it was coming. Ratchet had already pulled that lever-switch thingy and operated the ground-bridge. Optimus was almost inside it.

All eyes were on Miko. She started hopping around like the floor was on fire, and she screamed again. "For the Allspark's sake, what's wrong?" Ratchet snapped. A crowd began to gather near Miko.

"Sp-sp-spiiiider!" She screamed again and tried to jump over the railing. "Miko-no don't do that!" Bulkhead hurried over to stop Miko from falling. I saw my chance and ran close to Optimus.

He was just walking through the ground-bridge. I glanced back at Miko. She caught my eye, and winked. I gave her a thumbs-up, then slipped into the ground-bridge behind Optimus.

I blinked my eyes, letting them adjust before looking around. I was in some kind of forest. The trees were spaced a little far apart from each other, and the sky was a foggy gray. No birds chirped, only the occasional caw from a crow.

The swirling green colors behind me faded. The ground-bridge had closed, and there was no turning back. I gulped and glanced around again, looking for Optimus. I saw him making his way down a small, slippery slope. I quickly ran after him, diving behind a shabby bush when he glanced over his shoulder plate.

He made it down the slope and carried on his way. I followed and easily slipped down. I almost bumped into Optimus' ped, but at last minute I managed to grab an outstretched tree limb. The tree was small, about my height, but it still made a good hiding place. I dived behind it as Optimus glanced over his shoulder plate again.

He started to pick up his pace, quickly but silently. I found it hard to keep up. He suddenly stopped, and I almost crashed into his ped-again. I slipped behind a bush so to not be seen.

"Arachnid! I am here," Optimus called. All that reply was a crow. Silence. Then I heard a chuckle. Not a happy chuckle, but an evil one. I dared myself to look up.

The first thing I saw was like, this large spider woman. She was black, purple, and gold. And she looked like...well, a spider. Four extra legs, but she also had two for walking. Her eyes were a glowing hot pink, and just by staring in them sent shivers down my spine.

Her four extra legs were pressed against her body. She was perched in a branch in a tree far overhead. She smiled an evil smile when Optimus looked up. Quickly, she darted from tree to tree until she dropping down from a limb and landed in front of Optimus. She straightened herself up, then dusted herself off. In a cool voice, she said, "I see you came for your Give me the energon, and I'll gladly put her in your hands." I clenched my fists. Arachnid was talking about my sister like she was some famous object. I wanted to punch her right in the faceplate.

But I didn't. Instead, I gazed up toward the branches of the trees and scanned the stop where Arachnid had perched. Grace had to be around here somewhere. Arachnid's cold voice almost made me jump.

"Well? Where's the energon? Give it to me!" Arachnid held out her servo, waiting. Optimus didn't respond, just glared at her. Arachnid's smirk turned into a frown. "You have it with you, don't you?" She asked, her voice growing colder by the minute.

Optimus still didn't respond. I saw his servos turn to blades. Arachnid fell silent, her eyes scanning Optimus. I could tell she was becoming curious. Without warning, Optimus lunged forward and smashed into Arachnid. She gave a shriek of surprise, but recovered quickly and slipped out from underneath Optimus. He quickly scrambled to his peds.

As they collided together again, I scanned the outstretched branches. Where is she? I thought. Frustrated, I scanned the treetops again when something caught my eye.

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