Chapter 2

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Jack's POV

"When is Bulkhead coming?" Miko whined. I shut my eyes and groaned. "Miko, for the last time. I. Don't. Know." Miko huffed and turned her back on me. "You're no fun!" She said, sticking her tongue at me. I rolled my eyes. "What ever, Miko. I'm not the one who gets in trouble and doesn't follow orders." Miko's eyes narrowed. "Take that back! It isn't true!" She yelled at me.

I just rolled my eyes again and snapped, "Miko, please. I don't want to argue with you, not here, not now." Miko just huffed again and remained with her back turned to me. I just sighed and looked back at my phone. "Are you sure that's not Ratchet's number?" Raf asked me. He was sitting on the school's steps, typing away. "I'm sure," I said. "I got a text back from Amanda Winters." "Who?" Raf asked, glancing at me. He pushed his glasses farther up his nose.

I shook my head and looked back at the texts Amanda Winters sent me. She sounded happy that someone talked-er, texted-her. I smiled. I would like to meet this Amanda Winters. She sounds pretty nice. Then I frowned. But why did she have the same number as Ratchet? That confuses me.

Raf looked back up at me. "Anything from them?" He asked. I sighed. Raf was asking a lot of questions today.

I glanced at my phone. "Nada," I said. "I'll text Arcee and see what's holding them up." "Good!" Miko protested, throwing her hands in the air. "They were suppose to be here, like, 20 minutes ago!"

"You can't judge them," I said, turning to her. "They're probably stuck in traffic or something." "Oh, sure!" Miko said, rolling her eyes. "They're robots, Jack! They can just bridge us back to base!"

"Shhhh!" Raf hissed, glancing around. "Someone could be listening close by!" Miko rolled her eyes for the 20th time today and went back to checking the streets for our guardians.

I pulled the message app up on my phone and texted Arcee.

Hey, what's going on? We need you to pick us up soon.

I got her text back almost immediately when I sent mine.

We're on our way, Jack. Optimus is not feeling good.

Surprised, I read Arcee's text three times before it finally came to me. Optimus Prime was sick? But that didn't make any sense! He didn't catch a virus overnight...did he? I bit my lip and scanned the road. Arcee can be fast if she wanted.

Miko pouted and said, "When are they coming? Now?" I clenched my teeth to keep from shouting at her. Miko was always annoying. I sudden growl made me look up from my phone.

Arcee-in vehicle form-pulled up in front of Bumblebee and Bulkhead. "About time!" Miko snapped, grabbing her backpack and storming over to Bulkhead. Raf closed his laptop and gathered his belongings. I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"Helmet, Jack," Arcee ordered, turning her front wheel to me. I sighed and slipped my helmet on. "I don't understand why I have to wear this," I muttered as I climbed on Arcee. "Your mother ordered you to wear a helmet, so you're going to wear a helmet," Arcee said matter-of-factly. "Besides, you could get hurt."

I forced myself not to roll my eyes. Sometimes, I think I have two mothers instead of one. Arcee jerked forward and started to take over driving. I put my hands on the handles to keep myself from flipping off.

Arcee was quiet as we sped through my small town, the others on our heels. I racked my mind, trying to think of something to break the awkward silence. Would Arcee want to hear about my failed test? Or how I stood up to Vince? Maybe what I ate for lunch?

No, I'm sure Arcee wouldn't want to hear me rant. I finally remembered how she texted me that Optimus was "sick". I took a deep breath and asked, "So, is Optimus ok?" Arcee was silent before saying, "He's...really sad, like the "I'm-not-going-to-talk-to-you" kind of sad. Or "Leave-me-alone" sad."

I frowned. Optimus wasn't like that. Sure, I didn't see him much when I arrive at base because he's in his berth room, or on some mission, but I was sure Optimus would want to talk to his friends about his matters?

Arcee's voice dropped and she said, "I think I know why he's down in the scrapyard. Don't tell the others." I nodded, hoping Arcee could see or sense that I nodded.

"Ok," Arcee said. "I think it's because Optimus wants someone to look after, besides his team. He may want a charge." "He wants to become a guardian?" I said, surprised. "But Optimus has too much on his plate!" "Maybe," Arcee said. "But if Optimus was a guardian, wouldn't it reduce his stress?"

I shrugged. "I'm not a Autobot Guardian, but I do think you have a point," I muttered. "Exactly," Arcee said, making a sharp turn to base. I gripped the handles harder.

"But wouldn't that also make him even more stressed?" I wondered out loud. "I don't know, but we each have our own opinions about Optimus," Arcee said. She jerked forward again, almost flinging my off. "Hey!" I yelped. "Sorry," Arcee apologized. "We're entering base."

I at once recognized the dark tunnel and the cup-shaped lights overhead. Arcee's tires screeched as she pulled to a stop in the main base. Ratchet turned to look down at us before returning to typing on his computer.

Optimus was slumped on a berth bed. He flashed us a sad smile as we climbed out of our Guardians. Miko and Raf weren't surprised, so I'm thinking Bulkhead and Bumblebee told them the news about Optimus. "Hi," I called a greeting over to the Autobot leader. He said nothing, just stared at us with an unreadable expression.

I sighed. Optimus did seem down in the dumps, so maybe Primes do have emotions. I climbed the stairs to the human area and sat down on the couch. "Video game competition?" I asked Miko, holding out a controller. "No, thanks," Miko merely said. I frowned. This wasn't like Miko to ignore a video game. I placed the controller on the table.

"So uh, Raf, can you help me with my Algebra homework? I'm stuck on problem 10," I tried Raf, who was talking quietly to Ratchet. Raf glanced over his shoulder and said, "Uh, maybe later. I'm busy." I nodded and slumped down in the couch. Everyone seemed so sad and moody. I pulled my backpack next to me and was about to start my homework when Ratchet called me over.

"Show me Amanda Winters phone number," Ratchet demanded with I walked over. I hesitated, reluctant to let him see my chat with her. I shrugged and pulled out my phone, then pulled up my message app. At the top of the screen was the unknown number-Amanda Winters' number.

Ratchet turned his helm to my phone and narrowed his optics so he could the my screen. He grunted and and typed something on his computer. "I'm going to have to change my number," he muttered. He changed it, and me and Miko added it to our contacts.

"So uh, what about my homework?" I asked, turning to Raf. His expression gave nothing away as he followed me over to the couch.


"Good night, Arcee," I said, placing my helmet on the worktable. " 'Night , Jack," Arcee muttered, her voice weighed down by exhaustion. I smiled as she sighed, then went down to recharge.

I brushed my teeth and changed into my boxers and T-Shirt. I called Mom a good night, then slipped into my bed.

I couldn't fall asleep until late at night. Arcee's thoughts about Optimus swirled in my mind until sleep got the best of me and I closed my eyes.

Welp, I hope this with was a good chapter :T Anyways, Jack seems to be concern about Optimus. I admit, I would, too. Hope you like this book so far!


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