Right, we have to sort this out...

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It was at lunch and I stormed over to Alex. I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in a corner. "You idiot!" I say with disgust. I knew Alex since freshman year but I don't know why he would do this. "What do you mean" he questioned me as if I was dumb. "You know what I mean, how could you do this to Hannah. You do realise Jessica isn't her friend anymore because she thought Hannah was part of this. You are an imbissile." "Okay I didn't want it to go that way, I mean it in fact it was meant to embarrass Jessica because she wouldn't sleep with me. I really wouldn't do this to her." "Really? If you were her friend, you wouldn't put her name down for best you-know-what." We argued and argued until he felt so bad. I told him he has to fix this.

I went over to the jocks and surprisingly Jeff wasn't with them. In fact he was sitting next to Clay. I turned round giving him a smile. He smiled back with that sparkling teeth. "Hey idiots" I say to the jocks. "Oh what the hell do you want?" I hear Bryce on the other side with that stupid smirk on his face. It gives me shivers. "You shut up". "Fine". I turned round to see Zach, Montgomery, Justin and Alex. "You guys better leave Hannah alone". "Why should we?" I hear Justin speaking. "You guys don't know what it is like to be a girl. You guys just take advantage of girls and you know what? You guys don't deserve to live. And before you bully others I will bully you no matter what it takes. Oh you guys look sad. I'm doing this for Hannah but I don't see you guys doing it for each other so I think you guys' friendship is fake." After I said the word fake, I turn my head round and see everyone looking. There was a silence until everyone starting clapping and cheering. I looked back at the boys and told them, "you guys better watch out".

I walked back to my table to sit with Jeff, Clay and Hannah. "Wow, you nailed it out there I mean you can easily defend yourself and others who need help" Hannah spoke with a smile. I knew she would like it. In fact she always wanted to do that but was afraid they'd say something back. "That's what I'm here for. A true friend who never let's her down" I say making sure Jessica heard from behind. I saw her face. It was full of guilt. Anyways she deserves it. "Babe, way to go! You're such a good friend and a great girlfriend" Jeff says while pleasing me. "Well I love you too" I replied giving him a kiss. "Wait you guys are a thing?! How comes I never knew?!" Clay said in shock. "Ye I agree with him!" Hannah said backing up Clay. "We were about to tell you but Jeff's face was so irresistible". We all laughed until Jessica showed up. "Why are you here" Clay demanded. "I wanted to say sorry to Hannah". "She's fine thank you very much" I say before Hannah said anything. "Fine then, be like that" "I will, thank you very much". She then walked away. "Hey thank you Alesha for everything you're so supportive and amazing" "eh I'm happy I have a friend like you". We hugged it out and walked to our next lesson.

A/N I have made a few twists that the 13 reasons why storyline isn't the same. I wanted to change it. Other than that, thank you for over 90 reads. You guys are amazing.

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