Chapter 12

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A/N: And I said I was gonna update at May... sigh... what a terrible author I am... So sorry you guys, I somehow have to go to another city, and not allowed to bring my ipad nor laptop (actual truth). Let's see, not much to talk about really, let's get on with it then, I don't own anything except for my ocs and this fanfiction, enjoy~


3rd oc


Nick was pushing a cart with a sleeping and snoring Finnick, He closes the lid after a hippo passerby gave him a weird look. Luna then drove next to them.

"Hi, hello! It's us again." Judy started.

"Hey, it's Officer Toot-toot and Luna!" Nick replied.

"Hey Nick!" Luna replied, which somehow made Nick blushed, he thanked the lords he has fur.

"Ha ha ho... No. Actually, it's Officer Hopps and I'm here to ask you some questions about a case." Judy said.

"What happened, meter maid? Did someone steal a traffic cone? It wasn't me." Nick replied.

Luna stiffled a laugh at his statement, Judy, annoyed, she asked Luna to drive to block the sidewalk, and to blare the sirens.

"Hey, Carrots, you're gonna wake the baby. I gotta get to work. See ya, Luna!" Nick said with a wink at the end to Luna, making her blush a bit and smile.

Judy hopped out of the motorcycle with her carrot pen and the files.

"Hey, Judes, that's dangerous you know." Luna warned with a worried glance as she stopped as well and got off of her motorcycle.

"This is important, sir. I think your ten dollars worth of pawpsicles can wait." Judy says

"Ha! I make two hundred bucks a day, Fluff. Three hundred and sixty five days a year since I was twelve. And time is money. Hop along." Nick replied.

"Please, just look at the picture." Judy said as she showed the picture to Nick.

"From there, you can see that Mr. Otterton has the pawpsicle, it means you sold it to him right? Do you know him?" Luna asked to Nick with a gentle smile that made his heart beats a bit quicker.

"I know everybody. And I also know that somewhere, there's a toy store missing its stuffed animal. So why don't you get back to you box?" Nick replied.

Judy's smile dropped, then became serious.

"Fine, then we'll have to do this the hard way." Judy says.

In a quick second, a clink is heard, and there is a parking boot attached to Nick's stroller.


A/N: you know, this is really short, so sorry, I'm trying to fit this into my schedules, see you guys next time ^_^, I hope you like this fanfiction.

[DISCONTINUED] Arctic Cop (Nick Wilde x oc)Where stories live. Discover now