Damn white boy

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Joel is running out of the hospital carrying Susan as he says a black women

" damn white boy your arms are gonna break from carrying her fat ass" she says to Joel

Joel ignores her and continues to run to the church. When he gets there he places Susan in the middle of the church. With a snap of his magical fingers Susan is alive.

" Joel I can't believe you did this" she says getting up and kissing him

" you saved my life Joel"

" Susan what you did was unforgivable you cheated on me with another man. But I love you Susan and I want to try to make this work"

" just give me one more chance ill never cheat on you again "

"ok Susan I love you"

" I love you too Joel" she says and she hugs Joel

Susan Boyle Joel Olsteen and Bruce Jenner a love triangleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora