Chapter One: Sue The Beluga Whale

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Susan has had a hard life. She could never find love because of her 2nd personality Sue the beluga whale. One night Susan and a couple of her friends went to go see Joel Olsteen a preacher. The whole bible reading Joel couldn't keep his eyes off Susan He really liked her. After the bible reading Joel decided to ask Susan out on a date and they have been inseparable ever since. But one day Susan was just chilling Shopping for a new pair of orange crocs and from across the room looking at a pair of blue croc boots was Bruce Jenner. Susan fell in love with him instantly. Bruce walked over to Susan and asked her out not even thinking about Joel Susan said yes. After their date Susan was watching tv and Joel was on tv "oh shit Joel" said Susan. She just realized that she had been dating Joel but today she went out with another man. What will she do now? How could she do this to Joel?

Susan Boyle Joel Olsteen and Bruce Jenner a love triangleWhere stories live. Discover now