Vagary (n.)

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"LANCE WHASSUP!" Rolo slammed the door aside, causing them to jump back. Keith's heartbeat escalated by ten times, while Lance seemed unphased.

"Rolo, my man!" Lance grinned with teeth as he rushed into the house with pride. Booming noise escaped the house despite there being no more than about fifteen guests, Keith and Lance included.

As they made their way through the house, Keith could feel his chest tighten up; 'It's okay you're okay....We're doing this to prove him wrong.'

"Babe!" Lance yelled happily to the girl in the center of the living room. Her dreadlocks were tied back into two high ponytails, which fell down against her navy blue crop top and high waisted jeans. She was dancing around two other female girls, who dispersed upon seeing Lance.

"There you are!" Nyma squealed happily, walking towards her boyfriend with a wide smile plastered on her face and a drink in her hand. However, her smile immediately fell when she noticed who Lance was with.

"Who's... this? I thought you were bringing Hunk." Nyma asked with no attempt to hide her disapproval.

"Well, honey, Hunk is busy studying for this huge test he has tommorow. Engineering is not an easy major, ya'know. But this is Keith, he's one of my students, remember? I talked to you abou-"

"Yeah, okay, whatever." Nyma waved him off and faced Keith, "It's wonderful to meet you."

Keith nodded meekly, trying to avoid her sickly sweet glance.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go get some food. You guys, enjoy yourselves." she said, turning to give Lance a quick peck on the cheek before hurrying off.

The two boys stood in silence as they watched her dart off, the mood quickly lightening without her. 

"Well she's-"

"Let's dance." Lance turned to Keith with a small smile, arms pulling him into the dance floor. People danced around them, but all Keith could see was the tall boy in front of him, swaying playfully to the rhythm of some generic pop song. They smiled back at each other, Lance teasing Keith to do more than just "stand there", and Keith swearing that he could not dance if his life depended on it, and Lance reminding him that his life didn't depend on it, and he should just "loosen up".

"What would you know about loosening up? You're the biggest diva I've ever met." Keith smirked

Lance gasped dramatically, "How. Dare. You." he lightly shoved Keith back, who laughed loudly.

The music continued to blast, people showed up and left; and two hours in, Rolo showed up again, this time, to make an announcement.

"Listen up!" Rolo jumped onto the couch, stomping his prosthetic leg to get everyone's attention, when the music dulled down, he began to speak.

"Okay, we're gonna be playing a little game, many of you know that a true party is held outside the comfort zone- and this," Rolo waved to the audience, smiling proudly, "...Is no exception. How many of you have heard of...Devil's Dice?"


Now, Keith was no party-goer. In fact, he was by far, the true definition of a social hermit. So when Rolo declared the evening's shenanigans, he was about as clueless as a cow at the slaughterhouse- except Keith, would much rather be at a slaughterhouse.

Devil's Dice was Rolo's own, proud creation, weaved of several different classic party games into one giant, messy, casserole. Although there were no set rules, and it changed a little depending on Rolo's mood, it went something like this: party guests sit in a giant circle, and spin a bottle filled with crumbled paper, once Person A spins the bottle, the person it lands on, Person B, must take a piece from the bottle and do whatever the paper requests: either complete a ridiculous dare OR, the more likely scenario, spin the dice. The dice, also handcrafted by Rolo, were a set of naughty tasks meant to be complete by the two individuals- which were as innocent as a simple kiss, to as dirty as...other things.

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