Algedonic (adj.)

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NOTE: texting part- Lance is in underline and bold and Keith is just bold. :D


It had been a month since the incident.

Two boys, an office, and a cup of hot chocolate later, Keith went straight home; without any further explanation nor exchange of words. Neither of them brought it up again, and although Lance wanted to, he knew better than to push Keith's boundaries.

Who knows what would happen if he did?

Lance found himself thinking about Keith a lot. Completely randomly, when he was driving, surfing, or watching T.V., a flash of a drowning pale boy would shoot through his mind. It hitched his breath without fail.

"Red or blue?"

"Huh?" Lance refocused his eyes to the girl in front of him, waving two dresses on hangers.

"Lance! You said you'd help me pick!" The blond dreaded girl groaned, "if you could stop being fucking useless for once."

"S-sorry babe, umm..I like the blue." Lance scratched his head, trying to clear his head.

"Ugh, no, blue makes me look orange." Nyma threw the dresses behind as she turned back to the wardrobe. Lance sat on the far side of the bed, fidgeting as his girlfriend sort through the clothes.

"Where are you going anyways?" Lance asked, raising a brow at the frantic girl.

"Oh, you know, out with friends." Nyma said through a tight lipped smile, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Lance, satisfied by her answer, only hummed in response, before a distinct buzzing echoed from his phone.

A text.

captain mcgrump mullet:

Hey, are you available right now?

Lance smiled at his original contact name as he typed out a response.

sorry babe im taken ;))) she the loml ;0

He waited thirty seconds before his phone buzzed again.

Stop. I just wanted to see if we were still up for today.

an excuse to text me I see ;)))

If you send another winky face I will not hesitate to block you.

gasp i thought we were bestiez~


how dare u flip me off i am offended

i came out here to have a good time and honestly feel so attacked rn



{screenshot captured}

blessed image


but yeah im avaliable, what time?

*I'm *available

Right now?

Fine mr grammar nazi smh

look at me im keef i write and shit im better than u


Did you really just spend several minutes drawing that?

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