Chapter 4

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I woke up early the next morning. I remembered that I had promised I would bring a sparrow to Heavyclaw so I could hear more about the stories he was going to tell me. I squirmed away from my sleeping siblings surprised they were all there. I headed to the fresh kill pile first to find the sparrow he wanted. I wondered what he would tell me today. I wanted to learn more about how Slatepaw died and Missingfoot too! They both had such interesting names it was hard not to be excited.

"Heavyclaw? Are you awake in there?" I asked the tom putting the sparrow in front me so I could talk. I heard some grumbling before seeing his eyes open.

"Yea, is that you Cheetahkit? I'm awake in here." He said moving so that he could see me easier. I grabbed the sparrow and walked over to him before dropping it in front of him.

"Yes, it's me. I brought you the sparrow as you see. I want to know more about Shiningjaw and Slatepaw. What happened to them?" I asked him as I settled down by his side. He was really nice to me.

"Well, we were at when they were born, weren't we?" He asked me taking a bit of the sparrow.

"Yea, you explained that Freezingkit was the strongest kit of Smallstar too. That's as far as we got." I reminded him.

"Alright, so the pair grew older together. Shiningkit had most of his family killed when sickness took over the clan. That killed Smallstar too which put Havenstar as the leader. Shiningkit was alone and made an apprentice with Freezingkit and her siblings. They trained together most of the time but Shiningkit was Havenstar's apprentice. He had finally found someone that would be with him. He looked up to her like a mother and told her everything.

"It was later when they became warriors, that he realized that he had a huge crush on Freezinghope. He asked the leader what he could do and that is when she told him super secret that no one else knows what she said. It was something bad and that's all we know. He didn't listen to the advice from her for the first time and became mates with the female.

"Fast forward a few moons, they had two kits. Slatekit and Jumpingkit. Havenstar was dying now. She said that Shiningjaw was useless and he went crazy. He harbored so much anger in him that when Junglestar became the ruler, he was happy she was dead. It was just a moment of time until he realized that he had no one to turn to. He couldn't tell his mate all the stuff that was in his heart. That would scare her away. He had no family to turn to except for his two kits that were too young for anything. He was going to truly be alone and his thoughts where going to turn him insane." Heavyclaw said before pausing to eat more.

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