Chapter 3

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"Mom! I'm learning about a warrior called Shiningjaw and his son Slatepaw. I'm also going to learn about a clan that got dissolved by one of the warriors!" I told Shadow excitedly even though I didn't truly know what dissolved meant.

"Is Heavyclaw telling you all of this?" She asked me as I laid down to go to sleep with my siblings.

"Yes! He was your mentor. Did you ever hear about those stories?" I asked her happily.

"I was gone when the story of Shiningjaw and Slatepaw happened. I never heard about the clan getting dissolved." She said as she laid down next to us to provide us with more warmth even though we were four moons old and didn't need it. We could supply our own warmth now.

"What does dissolved mean anyways? Does it just simply mean that the clan was no more and everyone went away?" I asked her. I meant to asked Heavyclaw when I was in the elder's den but I never got to the time before I had to go to the nursery.

"Yes my sweet. It does mean that. I'm guessing some of the warriors went away and became kittypets and others were loners. Some of them probably joined other groups and could even be related to us." She told me. I yawned and snuggled up close to her.

"Mother, can you tell us a story about dad? You never talk about him. I only heard about him from Smokepaw. That was only once too." I said quietly and heard my siblings shift next to me.

"Yea! Can we hear about Brown?" Tigerkit asked from next to me.

"How did he ask you to be his mate?" Bluekit asked softly.

"How did he react when he realized you were pregnant?" Silverkit asked from my other side.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you about him. He was a stubborn tom and rough. Once his brother left, I could see him opening up. He didn't want to be left alone and I kinda fell for that. When we were moving to the clan's territory, he took me aside when we had a break. He lead me up a huge tree and there, at the top of the world, he asked me to be his mate. I said yes.

"Once we got here, it wasn't very long until I found out I was pregnant. I was watching over all the kits from Muddle's litter with Heatrumble at the time. I heard him coming back and sent Heatrumble away. I told all the kits to hide and tackle him when he came into the camp. Once he was in the camp, we all tackled him. I told the kits to go and wait for Muddle and Pebble to get back and once they were a safe distance away, I told him.

"He was so happy when he heard he was going to be a father. He could barely stop talking about it. He was thinking of random names to call of you and I kept some of those names and changed them somewhat too. He would be proud of you." She told us but I felt like we were missing something.

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