Love and Children

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Title: Mon Amant Lié

Author: TheAmazingCory

Pairing/s: HPTR

Warnings: Time travel, OOC, Light and Dark bashing, violence, possible gore, might include Lemons/Slash, character death.

Disclaimer: I tragically do NOT own Harry Potter, nor do I make any money out of this. This was done purely for enjoyment.

Mon Amant Lié

Love and Children

Flamel Manor

Febuary 14th, 1933

Laurie sat by the fire of her wing in Flamel Manor; her home. It had been around 5 years since she and Fabious had decided that moving in with the Flamel's would be the best. They had definitely made the right choice.

She sat reading a book, a warm mug of coffee just at her reach in a nearby coffee table. She turned a page and took a sip of her mug; she sighed happily. Just from her position, sitting in the couch, she could hear her baby boys and little Harry's laughter.

Yes, her precious boys.

Not long after they had married, maybe around 1-2 months, she had found out she was coming into her second semester of pregnancy; and so, on the night of May 23rd, her little Rowan was born.

Rowan was a charming little boy, much like his father. He had straight dark brown hair, light blue eyes, soft-creamy skin, and the sweetest smile. He got along finely with his slightly older brother--almost as if they were twins--and his--hopefully--future brother-in-law.

Tom had turned six years-old a few months back, he was as youthly handsome as usual; with his wavy dark brown hair, bright royal-blue eyes, light-paly skin, and his signature smirk. He was a clever young boy, always eager to learn new things from the Flamel's bast library. He and Harry still got along like two peas in a pod, never far from the other.

Harry was the smallest of the lot, even though he was second oldest. His figure was much more feminine compared to the other boys. He kept his hair to just a bit past his shoulders, in messy and curly ringlets; his eyes were the same brilliant Avada Kedavra green, long eyelashes framing them. His skin was a soft paly color, far from sickly, and he was quite skinny--in a healthy way. When he grinned, he lit up everyone's worlds and Tom seemed to melt each time.

It was rather cute, to watch the boys' antics.

Right now, she was once again pregnant. The due date was fastly approaching, and her little girl--to be named, Antoniette--was excited to come out. She would be a hyper little witch, her husband told her one-to-many times.

Today was February 14th, the Day of Love, Valentine's Day--at least that's what the muggle's called it. She found her mind wondering about what Tom and Harry would do for each other this year. You see, ever since they were old enough to understand their bond and the meaning of Valentine's Day, they had made sure to get each other something special; be it a drawing, a bouquet of flowers, or whatever innocent thing their minds came up with, they did something.

She was definitely curious of what they would do this year.

On the other wing of Flamel Manor, loud-childish laughter could be heard bouncing off the walls. The three boys--Harrison, Tom and Rowan--could be seen playing multiple games in what seemed to be a large playroom. Currently, they were seated playing a game of Exploding Snap; Rowan was in the lead.

"Aw, come on! You always win at this Ro!" Harry complained, a pout on his softly pink lips; he had just lost his only advantage, he never won this game!

"Well, I can't help being so awesome Hare-Bear." Rowan teased, a wide smile on his face; many in the house complained he got his arrogance from Nicolas, he never denied it.

Harry huffed, "Only my parents and Auntie can call me that!"

"Lay back, Ro." Tom said absently, his focus on the book laying on his lap; he couldn't stop reading, not even to give his full attention to a game of cards.

Rowan twisted his face into a contemplative mood, a fist under his chin as he seemed to consider the slight order; they may be like twins, but Tom was still the older and more mature one, he was in charge. "Well..."

Tom looked up and stared Rowan dead in the eyes, lifting a brow. Rowan gulped and stuttered, "I-I'm sorry, Harry."

Harry lifted his head high in triumph, no-one could so much as think of hurting him with Tom by his side.

He stood from his spot and sat next to Tom, snuggling into his side. Tom didn't move, only shifting an arm to wrap around Harry's small shoulders. Rowan crossed his arms from his spot across from them; Tom and his soulmate were cute, but they weren't any fun when they got cuddly--hell! He wasn't this bad with his soulmate, though he hadn't met her yet.

Rowan stood from his spot and muttered as he left the room, "I'm going to go see Uncle Nic..."

Tom sat his book to his right once he was sure Rowan wouldn't come back in. Turning to his left, he shifted Harry into his lap, wrapping his hands around his waist. "What did you get me this year, love?"

Harry blushed, Tom had started calling him 'love' a year ago and no-one had protested. He wrapped his arms around Tom's neck and gave him a tight hug, burrowing his face in the crook of his neck, he admitted, "I... I wasn't sure what to get you this year..."

Tom grinned goofily while Harry couldn't see him--not that he hadn't seen it before. "That's fine. I don't need a gift, I already know I'll love you forever."

Harry sat back and furrowed his brows, his lips puckering a bit. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." Tom assured, his face sincere. Then, he surprised them both by leaning down and pecking Harry on the lips; that was their first kiss!

Harry grinned, eyes shinning with glee, and hugged Tom again. He loved his life.

AN: Sorry for the late update, I hope the fluff is enough for forgiveness. It has come to my attention I should probably do a few family trees eventually, to better explain who is who.

Also, Harry's birthday is now on the day he came back in time; AKA, on January 16th, I believe.

Thanks for reading,


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