"Im so in love with you." he said and i smiled.

"Im in love with you to Christian." he chuckled.

"I told you not to call me that." he chuckled.

"But i like it."

"Why?" he asked. I looked at him.
"Its the real you." i said and he looked at me. Then he kissed me softly.

He picked me up and sat me on his desk. He started to unbutton my pants. I pushed him away. "Stop. I have to make dinner." i said and got off the desk.

He looked at me. "Wait till them kids sleep." he said and i giggled and walked out the room and to the kitchen.

Seirra ran in pushing Bella in her bouncer. I smiled. "You must wanna help with dinner?" i asked Seirra and she nodded and smiled. "What should we make then?" i asked.

She lut her finger on her chin like she was thinking. "Ooouuu how about Nachos!" she said and i nodded. I sat her on the counter and took the stuff out.

I turned on some music and started to dance. I took the meat out and started to cook it. Then i got the cheese sauce and put it on the stove.

Seirra help put the chips on the plates. Then Chris came out the room. He looked at us smiling and dancing.

"Look at the beautiful women in my life." he said and i giggled. I made out plates and we ate in the living room while watching Smurfs 2.

Seirra loved the movie. Low key i did too. We finished and i washed the dishes. The we finished the movie.

It was alomst over when Chris phone rang. He looked at and answered it.

"Hello?" he asked in the phone. He listened and he sat up. "Yea im Christian." he said. I looked at him cause he never used his real name. "What?!" he said and Seirra jumped. Chris started to pace the room. "Well is she alright?!" he asked. Then he dropped his phone. I looked at him.

"Chris baby what happened?" i asked. He looked down.

"Somebody burined down my mom house while she was sleep." he said. I covered my mouth in shock. "They killed my mama." he cried. I hugged him and he looked striaght ahead.

"Shh just breath baby ok." i said and he hugged me. "We gonna get through this." i made him look at me. "Together baby." i said and he nodded.

We hugged and seirra tugged on his shorts. "Daddy why are you crying?" she asked. He sat down and pulled her on his knee.

"Baby somebody hurt grandma." he said and she looked at him.

"Is she ok?" she asked. I knew she was about to cry. He shook his head. She bursted into tears. I laid my head on his shoulder as he held a sobbing Seirra. I picked up Bella and we all sat in the living room cuddled together.

3 weeks later

"I can't believe this past month." Chris breathed out as we got in the car.

We just dropped the kids off at the day care. Last week we had Chris' mom funeral.

Now we are on our way to the court house. Chris wanted to hurry and het married before this mission then have the best honeymoon ever.

We drove down to the court house and got out. We walked in and i seen Sarah and Mike.

She smiled at me and she hugged me. "I can't wait till they get back and we going to Hawaii." she smiled and i nodded.

"Me neither." Chris said as he hugged me from behind. I smiled and he kissed my cheek.

We sat till it was our turn. We walked in and sat in front kf the lady. She smiled and handed us some papers.

There i was signing my name on the marriage license. I looked at chris and he smiled. "You not gonna run out on me are you?" he chuckled and i gave him a look and he laughed.

Then i finished signing and gave her back the papers. She signed off on them and smiled. "Well you guys are official Mr. and Mrs. Harris." she said and i smiled.

"I like the ring to that." i said and they laughed. We said our goodbyes and walked out the office.

I seen Sarah and Mike and they smiled. "So?" she said and i showed her the paper.

"I am legally married." i said and she hugged me.

"Im so proud of you baby." she said. "And i got something to show you?" she said. I looked at her. Then she pulled out her paper.

Smiled widely and hugged her tightly. "Baby im so proud of you baby. Now your deserve this." i said and she smiled.

"Ight yall we got to go. Its getting late." Mike said and we nodded.

Tonight was the night they leave. I was mad but i guess they have to. We all went back home. We went and got the kids and then went home.

I sat in the room and watched Chris pack his clothes. He smiled at me and kissed my lips. "Imma miss you so much baby." he said and i nodded.

"Imma miss you too." he started to kissed me softly. I pushed him. "No. Wait till the honeymoon." i said and he smiled.

"Ok. But we gonna do it my way." he said and i looked at him.

"What is your way?" i asked confused. He got close to my ear.

"Imma tie you up." he said and i laughed.

"Move with your kinky ass." i said and he chuckled packed the rest of his stuff. I walked him to him car with seirra and Bella in my hands.

"Daddy imma miss you." she said and he kissed her forehead.

"Your gonna habe nicole with you. She is gonna take good care of you ok." she nodded and kissed him back. He looked at bell. "Imma miss you took baby girl." he kissed her head. Then he looked at me.

"I love you." he said and i smiled.

"I love you too baby." i said and he got in the car. He rolled the down the window.

"Imma see yall in two weeks. Love you." he said.

"Love uou daddy!" Seirra said and he blew her a kiss. Then he backed out and drove off.

Just as he left Sarah pull in. I laughed cause she was so quick.

We all sat in the living room and chilled. Goldie even came and spent some time with us.

No one Pov

Chris walked to his private plane with Mike. He seen this guy talking to some girl in front of the plane.

"Aye yall gonna habe to move we bout to board." Chris said. The boy turned around and it was his brother. Chris sized him up. "Aye man what the fuck you doing here?" he asked ready to pull out his gun.

His brother chuckled. "Man i should be asking you the same question." he said smirking.

"What the fucking is you talking bout man?" Chris said. He bawled his fist. His brother walked to the black car that was next to the plane.

"Its just that you just left you wife at home by her self with no protection." he said and got jn the car. He deove off and Chris started to shoot his car.

They got away and Chris looked at Mike. They ran to the car and drove back to the house.

They drove down the street and seen police cars. Chris stopped the car and ran down the street. He ran to the house and the police stopped him.

"Sir this is a crime scene." Chris pushed him.

"Nigga this my house!" he said yelled and ran into the house. He seen broken glass on the floor and blood. He looked and seen everyone.

But not Nicole!

Thanks for reading there will be a sequel to this book.


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