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Said girl looks up from her feet as she enters the restaurant her friend planned for them to meet up at. Her eyes roam across the room, searching for the voice that had called her name.

Her brown orbs land on a familiar pinkette, waving at her to grab her attention, smiling when she successfully does so. As Rae takes a step forward, she abruptly stops, noticing a male sitting next to Irene eating chips the restaurant provides for free. (the best part for broke college students who enjoy those irresistible salty chips)

She stutters in her walking as she makes it toward the three seated table, usually, it being only two seats whenever the two females came here to eat their heart out, not caring about all the calories they are in taking, as long as they're enjoying the food it'll be fine.

The younger glances at Irene, asking her what exactly was going on through telekinesis. Fortunately, she catches the signal of confusion and clears her throat, hugging her friend before turning toward the aforementioned male "Namjoon, meet Rae. Rae meet Namjoon." He stands up and smiles, dimples popping out of nowhere as he stretches his long arm over the table to shake Rae's hand, muttering out a small 'hello.'

"Great, let's sit down and start talking." Namjoon looks over at Irene before they both sit down, Rae slowly taking a seat as she tries to figure out what is happening because a light introduction defiantly clears everything up.

The fact that her best friend who she thought woke her up (at an ungodly hour) to have lunch with her at a restaurant both of them found together is now sitting next to a male who she has no clue why he's here and sipping at his drink as Irene and them talk with smiles on their faces.

Rae finds herself crossing her arms and glaring at the two silently, waiting for a waiter to come and ask her what she'd like to drink so she can get this nasty taste out of her mouth.


She glares at both of them silently as Irene giggles at the other's lame jokes and him smiling, oblivious to a piece of chip lodged in between his teeth as he talks casually, hand motions here and there. Rae brings a fork full of salad up to her mouth, aggressively biting into the lettuce as she stares at them with prominent annoyance on her face.

She basically brought me here to be a third wheel, Rae concludes once realizing that she hasn't been spoken to since being introduced to Namjoon an hour ago. She also wonders why she was putting up with this for so long.

"You are so funny." Rae looks over at Irene as she laughs loudly, playfully hitting Namjoons hand that rested on the table beside the two, both of them sitting offly close to one another. Rae rolls her eyes and mimics the older's actions, making it uglier and dramatic.

Rae stands up, getting tired of all of this fakeness her friend was pulling. Irene and Namjoon glance over at her, not really paying much attention to the brunette's sudden movements, turning back to each other to talk more. Rae's eyebrow twitches as she clears her throat and pushes in her chair. "I'll be in the bathroom."

Without a response to her excusing herself, Rae stomps into the bathroom, going toward the mirrors and tugging on her hair, groaning in frustration. She could honestly care less if someone walked in to notice her fuming, at least someone would give her attention. She takes deep breaths to cool herself, staring into the mirror to rant to herself.

"How could she!? She wakes me up from my beauty sleep, nags me about our stupid 12-year-old promise thingy that I forgot about the day after we made it, I show up to have some bomb all-you can eat veggie-mochi-tacos, but my appetite got ruined by their "smoochie-smoochie talk" so I couldn't eat much but a salad. Oh, don't even get me started with the chip stuck in between his two front teeth. How can you not feel that? And if he did, he should've excused himself to the bathroom to go fix it. And when I would try to talk to her she would brush me off with a 'K.' That Muzza Fuzza!"

She sighs heavily, her glare slowly fading as she finally cools off. "The need to pee is rising." She mumbles, walking over to a closed stall and entering the one next to it.

Immediately, she pulls her blue jeans down along with her underwear, sighing in relief when the urge to pee floats away. Her hand fumbles toward the toilet paper dispenser, moving under it to grab some paper.

Her mouth opens when she realizes there was none left. Panic soon fills her as the pee leaves her. Wait, relax Rae. There's someone else in the stall next to yours, just simply ask for some like any normal person--and try not to make things awkward by accidentally touching their hand when the toilet paper is being passed.

She quickly preps herself, closing her eyes for a moment before knocking on the stall wall. "Excuse me, this stall doesn't have any toilet paper. Mind helping a gal out?" She asks subtly, patiently waiting for a response which she never got. Rae arches an eyebrow, bending down as much as she could to see if there was anyone in there.

She frowns lightly when she sees a pair of Gucci slippers tapping against the white dirt-filled tiled flooring of the bathroom. "Um, I'm kinda desperate here and there's no one else in the restroom besides you. I don't want to catch a yeast infection." She exasperates, again waiting for a response to her ramble.

Her eyes light up when she hears the small sound of mental clanking and sees a roll of toilet paper being passed under the stall walls. She thanks the anonymous person and grabs the roll, also noticing a small tattoo on the back of the persons wrist. "Gee, thanks. You're a real lifesaver."

"No problem."



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