"Master Jason!" Alfred said disapprovingly. "While I am well aware of your achievements with your ongoing training, I doubt Master Bruce will like having you go down there by yourself. Nor will I for that matter."

"Relax, Alfie. How hard can it be to take down one person? I'll be fine. Besides, being Robin gives me magic after all." He grinned mischievously.

Alfred gave Jason a side eye. "If Master Bruce heard you say that..." He started warningly.

"Yeah, yeah. Him and his magic-phobia. It makes me wonder why he adopted me considering my own mother was a witch." Jason scuffed his shoe against the hall floor. Having a half sorcerer parentage had always been a sore spot for Jason considering how magic was hated in Gotham. And people most certainly were not very kind after finding out his parentage.

Alfred gave a comforting smile towards the young boy. "I can assure you Master Bruce did not adopt you looking at your birth. He genuinely cares about you as if you were his own son."

"I stole his horse." Jason rolled his eyes. "Then he adopted me. I literally cannot explain that man's reasonings."

"But moving past that, I'm going Alfred. Bruce can't do everything himself." Jason insisted, running down the halls and stairs towards the aqueducts.

* * *

"Prince Jason found my father, who was escaping through the aqueducts and confronted him." Stephanie continued, sitting up straighter, off the pillow she was resting on. Barbara and Cassandra listened quietly, letting Stephanie talk.

"My father; Arthur Brown, was his name by the way; had been working in the castle prior so he was familiar with the castle and had a perfect position to let in enemy soldiers. The Prince didn't know though, that my father wasn't alone in the tunnels."

* * *

"You honestly believe that I'll just let you go?" Jason shot back. Arthur Brown sighed. "No, I don't believe you'll simply let me leave. But I suppose it doesn't matter. Someone else has been wanting to meet you."

"Somone else?" Jason questioned. He heard footsteps behind him and turning around, came face-to-face with the one person even he wasn't brash enough to fight alone.

"Your unroyal princeliness." The person mock bowed, revealing a wide, unhinged grin.

"Isn't Bruce in the village, fighting you?" Jason started back unconsciously. The look in the person's eyes screamed of insanity, danger and to run away.

"Bruce-ey, the Old Boy is dealing with my lovely Queen Harls at the moment. I've been down here waiting to meet you. And how I've been waiting..." He laughed, starting towards the boy, his green eye's widening. "We'll have lots of fun, won't we?"

Jason's world turned black and the very last thing he heard was laughter ringing in his ears.

* * *

"Of course, my father," Stephanie said with ill-concealed disgust, "Was never caught. And after the King had finally reclaimed the outer villages, with the Joker and Harley running off in retreat, he came back to find that the second prince had been murdered."

Cassandra observed the two faces carefully as the story was told. She didn't really need her physic abilities to read what they were thinking. Stephanie looked thoroughly ashamed, disgusted and a little angry. Barbara, however, had this odd look that Cassandra wasn't quite sure what to make of. There was a hint of guilt mixed with grief and a few emotions she couldn't recognise that made her normally calm green eyes look stormy. She was worried but she wasn't going to intrude on her thoughts either.

Stephanie took a deep breath to calm herself as what she had told troubled her deeply. "So, even though it was my father who ran off to the Joker's side and had a role in the second Prince's death, I still feel as though... I have to atone for his sins? It may not make sense but I hate what my father did so if I can get back at him in the slightest way by joining the army he fought against then maybe, just maybe it would atone?" Stephanie's voice seemed to crack a bit and Barbara placed her hand on the younger blonde, understanding.

"Sorry," Stephanie sniffed, rubbing her eyes. "I hate to burden you all with this. You've been so nice and understanding. My secrets were kind of eating away at me. I blame my positive personality."

Barbara laughed. "Well, I think I speak for the both of us when I say we honestly don't mind. We don't mind you're a girl or that you're a traitor's daughter and we may even overlook your occasional bad jokes."

Cassandra nodded at the foot of the bed and gave Stephanie an easy smile. "Beside's it's not like you're the only one with a secret or two," Barbara said tellingly. "Right, Cassandra?"

"Since you told us your story, would you like to hear ours? " Cassandra asked.

Stephanie blinked. "Did you say that?" She asked Cassandra. The oriental girl smiled. "I did."

"You did." Stephanie intoned. She blinked again and fell backwards onto the bed.

* * *

Author's Note: The Royal Gotham Girl Gang has arrived!~

Author's Note: The Royal Gotham Girl Gang has arrived!~

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