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Start from the beginning

Then with a peck on the top of her head, he was gone.

Carson had explained to his crew that there was a woman being held in the prison, and if they obtained her and returned her to her family, there would be a great reward. However, he did not tell them that she was the daughter of King Larson of France or that he was in love with her.

In a rouse, one of the men had been bound in chains, and the captain was dressed in his finest. Flanked by several of his crew, the rest were strategically placed about the prison should a fight ensue, they made their way toward the prison. "Who goes there?"

"I am Sir Winston, a privateer of his Majesty the King of Tainistan," Carson lied. "I have a traitor to the crown who necessitates immediate imprisonment."

There was a moment's hesitation, but then the gate was raised, and the company proceeded forward. Once within, they were met by a group of soldiers. The obvious leader of the group was a stout, pompous looking fellow, who looked down his nose at them. "Present the warrant and proper identification."

Never breaking eye contact, Captain Reed reached into his coat and withdrew the forged papers, all appearing to bear official seals. Upon looking them over briefly, the pompous man ushered them forward and into the bowels of the fortress. The prisoner was taken away, and Reed and his select company were led down a dimly lit hallway to a small room. Quickly, Cod turned down the opposite corridor without being noticed.

A man was sitting at a desk, a cup of wine in his hand. Behind him, hanging on the wall, were rings and rings of keys. There could have been thousands. The man stood when the small company entered the room. He was fair haired with pale blue eyes, but his countenance was harsh and cold. He inclined his head to the captain, and Carson obliged with a mock bow. "I am Sir Lionel, the overseer of this happy establishment," the man began. "What is your business here?"

"I have just deposited a notorious criminal into your growing collection. We are fortunate to have this murderer off the streets."

Sir Lionel narrowed his eyes, as if he were scrutinizing every detail of Carson down to his phony confession. At length, he pulled a snuff box from his coat, snorted, and beckoned for him and his men to sit. His one kind gesture was to offer some wine to his guests before refilling his cup and unceremoniously placing his feet on the table. "You have not told me your name or the name of your vessel."

Carson smiled to himself at the irony of the situation. He calls me rude and yet he rests his dirty boots on the place where we drink our wine. "My name is Sir Winston, and I am in the service of His Majesty. The criminal I have so graciously bestowed upon you is a one Ken Dean, a murderer and thief. His crimes are too numerous to recite."

Once again, Sir Lionel glared suspiciously at the small company, but Carson did not bat an eye lash. He carried himself beautifully. After all, he was a pirate, a master of deceit. "You still have not told me the name of your ship," Lionel prodded.

"She is the Kaimã." Carson thought that he heard one of his men snort at the generic Taino name, but he prayed that it was his over-active imagination.

"Hm." The room grew unpleasantly silent as Sir Lionel once again swept the room with his critical stare.

"Might we have some more wine?" the captain interjected. "That is if your hospitality can be spared."

And so it went. According to plan, Carson continued to get the man drunker and drunker, and the captain, although tipsy, was capable of maintaining his head. Finally, Sir Lionel passed out on the table, his hand still gripping his wine goblet.

Carson crept over to the wall of keys and proceeded to confiscate them all, handing a few rings to each man in his company until they were divided. Stealthily he and his crew crept from the room and down into the bowels of the prison.

 Stealthily he and his crew crept from the room and down into the bowels of the prison

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Word Count: 2050

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