Chapter Two, Part One, James Moriarty

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Again another quick thing! this is Olivia Pierce!!!


I reached out touching the intricate carvings feeling them through my gloved fingers, it's to dark to see them but they weave in and out of the vase.

I pick it up replacing it with a rock, guess that was why I was dubbed The Rock Thief, I left no clues only rocks... that was only cause I didn't want the weight alarm to go off.

I turn on my heel putting the vase into my satchel but there stands a man, shrouded in darkness.

"That belongs to me." He says
"Well it belongs to the museum but it's mine now." I say from behind a balaclava
"It took me a lot of trouble to get it" I add

Light filters into the room only illuminating just his mouth and part of his shoulder.

"The rock thief?" He asks "security get here in ten minutes, I'm happy to wait till they get here... I may even visit you in jail, how many life sentences have you run up now?" He Taunts

"You can wait I'm outta here." I say I go to walk past him but at the last second he puts up his arm blocking my path.

"Guess we're doing this the hard way." He sighs before reaching for my plaited hair and grabbing it hard.
I grab the top part of my hair and rip it out of his grasp before, swiping at him. He dodges to the side.

So I guess we're fighting now? I take a step back and put my fists up.

"I trained for three years. Everyday. In karate." He says between cuts that all miss me from my expert dodging.

"I never trained at all." I say as he grabs my bag strap

" you don't seem like it!" he cries pulling me in. I come out from under my bag strap.

"I was going to say the same thing about you!" I say grabbing the vase out of the top of my bag so he just holds my bag.

He throws it to the side and I can feel the anger radiate off him as he stalks towards me. I go to run but I'm not fast enough.
He pushes me against the wall holding both my wrists next to my head. I turn my face away grimacing. I try kicking but it's no use.

"You know, if it wasn't for meeting you I wouldn't of ever known that you were a female." He says softly I feel his breath across my cheek.

"Crime is uni-sex." I say

"That's my vase." He says again.

"HEY!" We hear someone call out we both look to see a security guard standing at the end of the hallway.

Out of instinct I push the person forward and pick my bag jumping out the window I had crept in through.

Shoving the vase into my bag I throw my leg over my motor bike and I blaze off into the sunrise.

I think I was around 20 when I realised that the only person who believed I was special was my mum I was never going to be remembered as myself, so I took to a life of crime but slowly, like drugs, I needed more to get a high. So that's why a Ming dynasty vase sat in my bedroom. Almost to pretty to sell.

I sit on my bed with my morning tea I had classes later today at two but otherwise that was it...
I turn on my TV
Finding a news channel I settle.

"During the night the Rock Thief stole yet another priceless artifact. A Ming dynasty vase has gone missing but museum benefactor Professor James Moriarty has teamed up with private detective, Sherlock Holmes to help catch the thief."

I'm so shocked I don't even notice that I've dropped my tea spilling it everywhere.
I look down at my browned lap and sheets. a private detective!

I groaned as my phone received an email. I looked at it to see that the Alumni function was to be held at the Art Museum... the one I just stole from.

"Oh joy." I say and i finally realise that I dropped my tea in shock.

I get up and put everything dirty in the washing basket before getting ready for my class.

I head to my class across campus to my anthropology 101 class and after my archeology 102 class before heading to the library to study, I have a reputation to keep at Oxford.

I think back to the art gallery... how was I going to walk in there without sirens going off. I think even further back to what my mum used to say "cross that bridge when you get to it" I groan falling into my book.

"You can't soak up information that way." My professor says putting a test down on my desk. 87% scrawled across the top in red marker.
"But if that's what you've been doing, keep it up, Olivia." He says

The vase stares at me from my bedside, for once I think I may be out of my league. I hug my knees to my chest.

"It's going to be ok." I say to myself.

I get very nervous and jumpy sometimes, guess this is one of those times. I take a couple of deep breaths before I deciding I'd have to sell it soon.

I get on my computer logging in through multiple portals and basically confusing the providers, and sometimes myself, i trawl the dark web and eventually post an add for it.
The chat stays quiet for a while before overflowing, I close my laptop wanting to sleep and deal with it tomorrow.

"Olive... Olive, Olive!" I hear my mum say.
"Mum!" I say running to her, she woke up! She's right in front of me and I pull her in.
As soon as I hold her she goes limp.
"MUM!" I yell out but it's useless.
I wake up panting covered in sweat, the usual nightmares... I have to go see her today. She'll probably be missing me.

Five hours later. I sit in the hospital room her machines making the same repetitive beeping.

"Hey Mum... my Alumni night is coming up soon." I say
I crashed the car.
"I still don't have a date." I sigh
She was with me.
"But I don't mind going alone." I admit.
She took the brunt of the force.
"Like most things." I sigh again
Chance of waking up? 37%
"You'd think I would've met someone by now!" I muse.
Chances going down, everyday she stays in the coma.
"I know, You can't force love." I add
It's been five months.
"I think I'm just really mixed up in general." I sigh I softly put my face into the bed near her unmoving hands
"I miss you." I say softly
It's like a secret whispered between two people, the whole ordeal makes me numb, I'm no longer sad, I no longer cry myself to sleep.

She's been like that for five months. She's almost a permanent fixture constantly looking just as pale as her surroundings.

On the bus home I look out the window while the world goes by, I realise how alone I am, loneliness pushes down on me like a weight.

And so does the guilt of stealing things from museums.

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