Chapter 1: The Summer Air In The City

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I opened my eyes to the cool summer breeze softly stroking my face through the small window facing the city. I looked around in a flash to confirm i wasn't in a dream.

No unicorns? No talking animals? Alright. We're back.

I stretched out and looked out to the rushing city in the warm glows of late July. I sighed and after a few minutes found the motivation to pick myself outtof my sheets and get ready to something. Hell. Don't ask me what. Just something, i guess?

I made my way into the tiny square bathroom. Living in the center of California was expensive. I grabbed the small brush from the counter and brushed through my long hazel hair. I put it back and applied some mascara. Nothing more or less. It wasn't necessary! I fit on some shorts and a crop top and headed downstairs. Like expected mom made me toast. I smiled as i saw her on her computer with a bundle of rushed sketches and poses of picture perfect models with the finest dress designs , probably busy with her fashion idea's. I didn't want to disturb her. It was difficult enough running a household in California with a 15 year old to take care of. So i grabbed my toast and gave her a soft hug taking a glimps at her pc. She smiles and hugged me back.

"Destiny, can you help me? "

She peaked over at me with the brightest shimmers in her eyes

" yeah sure! What's up?"

She turned to her pc and opened a drawing file on photoshop, once again a picture perfect model, but this time with a beautiful silky looking dress.

The dress had a gradient from a pastel-blueish to light violet. Finished off with a white rope through the middle attaching in a small bow at the back. And small detailed hawaiian flowers crowning the back.

" Mom that looks amazing!!!"

I couldn't hide my delight. The dress looked stunning!

"Thanks honey! You go have fun in town today alright? "

I looked at her and nodded giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Will do! See you later mom!"

I grabbed my skateboard and earphones with my phone and headed out.


The warm summer air twirled around my hair as i skated down the streets. All i could hear was the honking of cars. As i left the city center all the unnecessary sounds were over. Long beach was a crowded city but the view was worth it. I headed out and stopped when i neared the water. I hopped off my skateboard and sat with my legs over the water

I watched the soft waves of water under my feet. I took my phone and plugged in my headphones near and looked over the warm waves.

Sadly i wished i hadn't done that.

I couldn't hear the large footsteps approaching behind me. I couldn't​ see who it was. But once of a sudden i felt a hard push. Shots of what felt like electricity went through my back as i headed face first into the water.

My phone remained in my pocket and the music somehow kept playing. I felt myself circled in water. Slowly the light of the day faded. My vision became blurry ad the last thing i saw was what i believed to be a bright neon blue cat creature. Something that looked like it escaped the page of a cartoonist.

Then my sight faded.



The loud yell of what i could've imagined being an older lady shocked me up. Yet, that's what i believed happened. I couldn't move a muscle. All i could do was cough.

 Oh god, my head. What in the world had happened?

I looked around in a blur. What was going on, what was happening to me? Did i hit my head? As more thoughts raced through my head more water was coughed up as i realised i was soaking wet. The elderly lady which i assumed the voice was from looked at me with a worried expression. Her pale blue purse dropped next to her side and her long strands of greyish hair rested on her shoulders.

' Should we call an ambulance. Hey kid, do you have a phone number of your parents?'

I turned my head to see an older man crouched beside me. Obviously someone from not too far away. He had a grey tanktop and simple blue shorts.
Right! Shoot her phone number. Ah i can't remember!!!
I turned to the man and shook my head.'Do you know your own name darling?'
i mumbled out as best i could. 'Destiny Miller. i-it's Destiny Miller'. I barely finished my sentence before coughing again. 'Alright. i'll check the neighborhood to find out who her mother is. You stay with her'
'W-wait-' i managed to stumble between coughs
The man turned around and i nearly felt a chill as his icy cold eyes hit mine
'My mom- is called Annelien Miller. Our apartment is just down the street'
He looked at me and smiled. 'I'll go get her. Just stay there and relax alright?'
I nodded and layed my head back down.

'Do you remember anything?' The older woman said. her voice soft and slightly worried.
I nodded my head. She let out a sigh of relief and gave me a soft smile. 'We'll get you home. Then you can rest up. I still don't understand how you could fall in the water like that'

So that's what happened. I fell into the water.

Once of a sudden it all came back to me. Including the little neon blue cat. What was that?  And why was it underwater? So many things just didn't make sense. My thought were interupted by my moms familiar voice. I felt her arms wrap around my soaking wet body as she tried to lift me up.

'can you walk dear?' i nodded as i heard her thank the two people who had helped me back onto shore. She tried to ask me questions but i was still in shock of what events had happened not minutes ago. So the rest of the walk was silent. The only version of comfort i was given was the soft hand of my mom on my side preventing me from falling. She opened the door to the apartment and i walked in. She had put out dry clothes for me and turned up the heating in my room. I hugged her without saying a word, grabbed my clothes and started changing. I lied down on my bed and sighed.

                                                   What the hell had just happened to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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