••• FOURTY-TWO •••

Start from the beginning

I nod, glad to hear this, and am also glad that Nixon left behind so many books on how to find loopholes in the government that Laraxis will soon be king of.  "What if I told you that there was a way for you to become the voice of the Head Priestess, to become the voice of the Senate, and to truly hold every ounce of power possibly available and more?"

"I would doubt you if this came free of charge," Laraxis responds, his voice showing excitment though as I know what I have just told him makes the adrenaline pump through his veins. He is just like Zion: seeking power without knowing the consequences. He thinks that he is smart to notice that he must make a deal with me for this, but he doesn't expect the things I will do to his influenced mind. "So, what is the deal?"

"Crimson Lock will remain a rogue pack," I begin, holding my head high. "And the kingdom will hold peace with us, seeing us as an ally and not as an enemy for the past Alpha murdered the queen. We will be respected once more and even called upon when times of trouble occur. We will be seen as a friend of their new king and of the empire." It is a legit reason. "So, King Laraxis, are we to be allies in the next era of your werewolf empire?"

"We are to be friends as well as allies, Alpha Maxwell," Laraxis responds, and just like that, he has been caught by my mouse trap, in the spider's web as he thinks nothing of it but a great opportunity. Yes, I will give him a kingdom all under his control, but in reality, the strings attached to him are shackles he can never get rid of. "And as of Elijah, Alpha Maxwell?" He asks, knowing fully that Elijah is part of this whole plan, yet I have refrained from bringing him up in this discussion of power and Crimson Lock.

"We all want the same things, Laraxis, and in the end, we are to be wise in siding with who fulfils our needs and wants the most," I reply, looking to the watch he wears, the time having passed quickly by since I opened my doors to this male. "We are to wise in who we trust and who we do business with. My husband may have been one to be feared as an Alpha, but he always upheld his treaties and respect for those he became allies and friends with. As my past husband, I uphold the same moral values for keeping your word, Laraxis, and because of this, you know I am the one to give you the power you seek."

"And if Elijah offers me more?" He asks, a smirk tugging at my lips.

"Then you need remind yourself here that while we all want power, I wish to remain Alpha of Crimson Lock and nothing more and for Elijah, he may be the Brutus you've been waiting to stab you in the end."

Laraxis knows that I am right once more, that the power I seek is to simply uphold my title as Crimson Lock as well as raise my child. As for Elijah, I have no doubt that he will try and take the throne as his own. Sure, my plans with Laraxis go beyond just maintaing my title as Alpha, but to also be the voice in his head that he finds the wisest.

"I would be a fool to think you uncapable of anything Elijah is capable of," Laraxis comments, leaning back in his chair as I nod.

"And you are wise to do so, but my daughter will be my world and I would rather raise her within the walls of the house her father built for us rather than the hollow walls of the palace."

Laraxis nods, rising to his feet as I do the same. "Well then, Alpha Maxwell, when this is all said is done, I will be glad to call you my ally and perhaps even my friend."

I smile, glad to hear these words from the man who will allow me to have my revenge on Zion. Once he ascends to the throne and my daughter is born, I will end Zion's life, killing the man who took my husband from me, as well as once tried to end not just my own life, but my daughters as well. This man did not deserve Sybil, the woman who lived her life oblivious to the darkness her husband was consumed in. The black book in my possession will still be used, within a matter of time when Zion is found dead in his haven, the book laying by his side as the world of werewolves will learn the truth of their ruler.

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