chapter 22: Moving on to...

Start from the beginning


"Are you ever going to leave the apartment?" Clive asked, his hand reaching up to stroke his dark red beard. 

Jonah glared at his oldest brother and shrugged before turning back to his computer. Clive sighed and leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees. "It's been a month Jonah."

"So," replied Jonah, not moving his attention away from his work. 

"Look bro, I get that you're hurt but living like a hermit isn't going to fix anything. You need to get over it and move on with your life."

Jonah's fingers stilled instantly above his keyboard. Slowly his fingers curled into a fist and then he slammed one against the hard wood of his work table. "Who do you think you are?" Jonah asked his brother. "Do you really think it's that easy?"

"Come on Jonah, you two weren't even together that long."

"Clive, I swear," Jonah gritted his teeth, taking a deep breath in. "I appreciate you letting me crash with you this past month but Clive, brother or not, if you say one more thing I will beat the crap out of you."

"Chill Jonah." Clive lifted his hands in quick surrender. "Look man, you know I've never been in a serious relationship. I mean I don't even get why you and Mason are so hell bent on having them but, I get it. I get that sometimes in life, you're lucky enough to meet someone who makes you feel amazing, someone who you can't imagine not spending every day with. You found that in Vanessa and I know it hurts. I'm just worried about you, we all are. You haven;t left my place in a month. All you do is bend over that computer of yours writing."

"It's a distraction Clive."

"I know but how much longer are you planning on hiding from your problems?"

Jonah shrugged and wiped at his damp eyes. His chest hurt just thinking of Vanessa. All he'd been able to think about the past month was the moment in her apartment where she'd touched the wrong pile of papers. He hadn't been able to escape the pain, it was there every time he closed his eyes. Writing was all he had now. He'd left his teaching job, knowing his heartbreak would distract him from educating future generations. Jonah knew he had to do something to help him get through his heartbreak and writing was all he had, it was all he'd ever had to get him through hard times. 

Now, a month later, he had managed to write his first novel.

"I just need time Clive."

His brother nodded. "I get it. My home is always open to you bro."

"Thanks,'Jonah smiled at his oldest brother, enjoying how the wrinkles at the corner of his brothers'eyes grew when he smiled back. 

"Oh, and before I forget to tell you, dad called. He wants you to call him and let him know you're alive."

Jonah groaned playfully. "I'll call him in a minute. I just want to finish this."

Clive stood up from his seat and walked forward in the room to place his hand on Jonah's shoulder. "Alright. You do what you need to do. I'm going out with Johnny so I'll be back later." His brother threw him a playful wink followed by the suggestive bounce of his eyebrows. 

Jonah scrunched up his nose in joking distaste. "Eew, Clive I don't need the visual."

Clive laughed, walking away from Jonah and towards his bedroom. "You're just jealous of all the lady loving I'm going to get."

Jonah snorted and yelled so that his brother could hear from his bedroom. "Keep dreaming bro, no lady is going to want your bald old ass."

Within seconds Jonah felt a light thump against his head and looked to find a ball of socks sitting on the floor in front of him. He laughed and moved to return to his writing, and with a smile on his face, he hit enter and prayed for the future he so badly dreamt of. 

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