Chapter 16: It's never smooth sailings.

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Song for the chapter: "Stronger" by Clean Bandit.


The drive to the nearest park was quiet and comfortable. Jonah drove while the radio played the latest pop songs at a low volume. Vanessa sat in the passenger seat with her elbow leaning against the closed window while she contently stared out of the window, observing the fast traffic of the city. AJ was content to play with his Spiderman action figure toy, occasionally making muffled whooshing sounds from the back seat. Jonah grinned in his seat, loving how the simple act of driving together made him feel like a family man.

Vanessa turned her head and gave him a smile before pointing to a large sign on their left. "There's the park." He nodded and indicated to pull into the neighborhood recreational centre. The place was still new to the area but was proving to provide a service to the community that Jonah wasn't even aware was missing. It was clean, beautiful and provided picnic areas as well as family fun sports facilities.

"I've never been here before," Jonah commented as he and Vanessa climbed out of the car. Once Vanessa had ensured AJ was out the car safely, she joined Jonah at the back of the car.

"Really," she said surprised. "AJ loves coming here. There's a small pond in the picnic area where he plays with the ducks."

Jonah smiled and reached for the picnic basket before Vanessa could. "I've heard of this place but I've never been here. It seems like the perfect place to spend a Saturday afternoon with your family."

"It really is." Vanessa walked up to him and smiled up at him with her right hand up against her forehead as a makeshift shield against the bright sun. "I'm glad you're here with us."

"Me too."

They gathered their blankets and toys for AJ and began their journey towards the best picnic spot. AJ walked ahead of Vanessa and Jonah, acting as their guide and seeming to know exactly where it was he wanted to go. They walked down a long hill and in the distance Jonah could see the glistening of dark blue water. It seemed AJ only had the ducks in mind. Jonah grinned.

"There is where we'll go." AJ proclaimed, rushing towards the waters' edge. Jonah looked to his left where Vanessa stood still for a moment, smiling fondly at her son who ran with great enthusiasm towards the feathered animals.

"He looks happy," Jonah whispered as he and Vanessa settled their belongings on the ground near the biggest tree.

Vanessa smiled brightly and unfolded the blanket on the ground at their feet. "He loves it here. We don't come here often. I usually only come here with my parents and Nick since Sofia loves this place as much as him."

Jonah smiled, "Your family seems nice."

"They're great. Hopefully we get to spend more time with them so that you can get to know them more."

Jonah nodded noncommittally before standing upright and staring back towards the top of the hill with his eyes scrunched in confusion. He cringed, hoping what he saw was a figment of his imagination.

His wish fell on deaf ears as the images in the distance became more focused as the two bodies moved closer towards them until they were stood grinning in front of Jonah and Vanessa.

"Eden, you're here." Vanessa stood behind Jonah, proclaiming in surprise.

Eden smiled, "Yes and thank you for giving me such precise directions. It was actually really easy to get here and find you both."

Jonah's eyes bugged out and he turned to glare at Vanessa. "You told them we were coming here today?"

Vanessa grimaced and stuttered her answer, "Yes but-"

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