"Why're you late again?" the president asked.

Baekhyun shrugged. "I overslept."

"You need to stop oversleeping," Kyungsoo muttered under his breath. He took notice of the way Baekhyun's eyes focused in and out. "Have you been taking up more hours at work?"

Without verbally answering, Baekhyun nodded.

Kyungsoo's jaw tightened. "Why are you suddenly working harder than before? You've been missing class, and when you're actually here, you end up sleeping and being sent to the office." He paused. "I don't like seeing your name in the documents handed to me by admins."

"I'm graduating, Soo. You don't have to worry about that, at least." Baekhyun shook his head to shake the water off his hair.

"Did you have time to eat breakfast?"

"I was already late. I had to get here before I missed the bus again." Baekhyun saw the way Kyungsoo's expression turned sour. He frowned, annoyed. "I'm late because I oversleep, and I get slapped on the hand for it. Why do I have to get treated like a damn criminal for skipping breakfast so I could get here faster?"

Kyungsoo refused to answer. Instead, he cocked his head towards the hallway. "I'm not treating you like anything," he said. "You were going to be late regardless. You should've taken the time to grab something."

"I was in a hurry," Baekhyun muttered, dismissing him as he began walking. "I was preoccupied, too."

"What on earth could you be preoccupied with?" Kyungsoo asked, his eyes low as he walked along side the brunet. "You never answered my question. Why is work suddenly so important to you?"

"I'm saving money."

"Are you going to move out?"

Baekhyun shook his head. "I'm planning a trip..."

Intrigued, Kyungsoo raised a brow. "Will I be invited?"


"Then I supposed that jock of yours will be."

Baekhyun gave a small nod.

The trip was only for them, like a small getaway. Though it'd have to be a bit into the future, far past other nuisances like prom and other school events, it was something that he wanted. It would allow them to exist for a time being, together and untouched by the world around them.

With his stomach growling, Baekhyun grimaced, ignoring the way Kyungsoo glanced at him with an all too knowing look in his eyes. He was too tired and mildly hungry to think too much else about anything. For certain, he began thinking about being absent from his first period and secretly going back down to the bottom floor to get something from the vending machine as soon as Kyungsoo went on with his own way, but as if he could hear the wheels turning in the transparent space of Baekhyun's mind, the student body president took him by the hand and tugged in the direction of a hallway far from the brunet's homeroom.



Though warned and vehemently threatened to keep at least a thousand feet away from the brunet's class, especially during breaks between each class, Chanyeol still felt it in his bones to check every once in a while on Baekhyun. The past few days had been okay, despite the fact that every time he saw Baekhyun absent in a certain period, he felt obligated to check two hours later so he could appease himself with the sight of the small male sitting in the back, falling asleep.

It took everything within him not to overstep the boundaries Baekhyun had made sure to establish. He knew that eyes were always on him. He was hard to miss with his height and overall appearance, and the amount of people who looked his way when he was inside Baekhyun's classroom was not a large feat. There were moments, small, fleeting but painful moments, when he wanted to press his lips against the latter's cheek, but knew that it would've been against the other's wants.

Like Night and DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora