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WARNING: NC17 & slight!rimming (I like rimming. Everyone should like rimming.)

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The house was dark when Baekhyun reached the gates, hands holding onto the bars before he let himself in. The only window that appeared to be lit was the one belonging to Kyungsoo's room, and even that seemed dim. The light on the porch was lit, a sign of Kyungsoo expecting him with such certainty.

He didn't stand very long outside before the door creaked open and the outline of Kyungsoo's figure appeared. Baekhyun didn't know how to act, unsure of what to do, but the smile that crept on Kyungsoo's face was enough to lessen his anxiety and make him feel the welcome he had always been accustomed to with every visit to the boy's house.

"Don't just stand there. Are you coming in?"

"Right. Sorry." Baekhyun stepped inside, taking space near the foyer wall which he used to balance himself as he took his shoes off. Looking around, it didn't take more than a second for him to arrive at the conclusion that Mr. Do wasn't home. "Another late night at the office?"

"Something of the sort..." Kyungsoo replied, closing the door. His father's whereabout did not concern him. He watched Baekhyun for a few seconds before walking ahead, turning on the lights in the living room. The lamps that he had turned on were too dim. "Why do you smell like alcohol? You never drink--or is this something new that you're exploring? Underaged drinking."

Shaking his head, Baekhyun followed the boy to the stairs. "I wasn't. Just out with some co-workers."

"Hn." Kyungsoo looked back down at him before continuing up. "And this somehow resulted in you crying."

"Something of that nature," the brunet muttered as they reached the second floor. There was no mess to be found. Kyungsoo always kept the house neat and pristine even in his father's absence. "Thanks for letting me sleep over."

"It's nothing. You've done this before. Do you want to take a shower or tomorrow morning?"

Baekhyun stalled for a second. "Tomorrow..."

"Then do you want clothes? You know we're the same size."

"No, I just... I just want to sleep." Taking a pause, Baekhyun closed his eyes. "Do you have a futon I can use?"

Scoffing, Kyungsoo opened the door to his room, a clean space, organized with a minimalistic mind. "Baekhyun, you've slept in my house before. Did you ever use a futon?"


"Then you sleep on my bed like you always do."

With eyes drifting towards the bed, Baekhyun pursed his lips, rubbing his fingers together. "And you'll sleep beside me?"

Kyungsoo looked at him with blank eyes, his expression neutral. "Is there a problem with that?"

Baekhyun glanced at him, then shook his head. "No. I'm okay with this arrangement."

"What would your boyfriend say if he ever found out about this?"

Chanyeol would be upset. There was no denying it, but it meant nothing. The arrangement meant nothing to the brunet, and Kyungsoo knew it.

Taking off his jacket, Baekhyun hummed in response. He put the jacket on the floor before collapsing on the bed, Kyungsoo's scent engulfing him. It still felt warm, something Baekhyun immediately took notice to. Rolling over until his back hit the wall, he watched quietly as Kyungsoo turned off the lights, leaving nothing but the quarter moon outside to help guide him back to where the brunet laid waiting.

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