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I opened my eyes and yawned. Then I remembered the previous couple hours. Naruto, Sakura, the wedding. I sighed. I was about to roll over when I felt a pair of arms holding me. I turn my head to the side and blush almost immediately. 

"S-Sasuke?" I say nervously. He says nothing but I feel him pull me closer. I bury my head in my hands. I was in Sasuke Uchiha's bed.. WITH Sasuke. 

His body pressed against mine made my stomach flutter. Why??

"Mm, just a while longer" He mumbles. 

I turn my body to face him. His eyes were closed. He looked peaceful. I could hear his soft snores and feel his breathing against my neck.

"It's impolite to stare" 

I gasp seeing him open his eyes and smirk at me. 

"I-I'm s-so sorry S-Sasuke-kun" 

"Mmm just stay with me here." He mutters.

I blush a deep red.

"H-Here? W-what do you m-mean?" I say figiting nervously. He just chuckles shaking his head. 

"Nothing. If you need to shower, the bathroom is down the hall. I'll get you a change of cloth you can wear." He offers me. I just nod nervously.


I make my way to the bathroom and begin to strip. Once I was done, I stepped out and made my way back to the room I was previously in with a towel wrapped around my waist. I felt my nerves go high hoping he'd be elsewhere. Luckily he was. I Enter the room and see a white button up mens t-shirt and some shorts laying on the bed for me to wear. I just walk into the room and begin changing.

"You almost done in there? I made us breakfast." Sasuke asks through the door.

I blush. The infamous Sasuke Uchiha seems so rough outdoors but here who knew he was such a gentlemen. 

"A-almost out" I say in reply. I button up the last hole and take a deep breath before leaving the room. I do wish these shorts were longer. I felt a breeze pass through my legs. 

I walk downstairs to the smell of Sasuke's cooking. 

I get to the kitchen and see him shirtless with an apron over his body. 

I guess he caught me staring because I saw him turn around and smirk. 

"Wanna take a picture? Haha they say it lasts longer." 

I look down in embarrassment. 

"Unless you want the real thing?"

I Look up and gasp. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him. Before I could comprehend the situation, I felt his lips meet mine. Everything was in slow motion. Then, I finally kissed back..

A Change Of HeartWhere stories live. Discover now