Meeting Ash

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Stumbling out of bed I yanked open my door to a cheery Stevie and Mya; "Here" waving a paper bag in my face, I tucked into the banana nut muffin inside "thought we'd save you one before Amy the evil cow ate them all" sitting on my bed Mya nodded her head in approval of my room. Glancing at the time I licked the crumbs from my fingers; 10:46.

Good lord only knows how they were awake and happy this early. Settling my gaze on her I raised an eyebrow at Stevie. It was who Mya answered my unspoken question "she's always been like this, happy cheery morning bumpkin, she leers you in with food". Slapping her friends arm Stevie put her hands on her hips "you're lucky my mama isn't here she'd woken you up at the crack of dawn, just to get eggs".

Lying face down I buried my head in the pillow "this is the crack of dawn" laughing Mya agreed as Stevie pulled me out of bed. Ugh! she better be glad she brought me a muffin before she started all this 'good morning life is beautiful shit'. Ordering me in the shower she said she would meet me downstairs at twelve. Climbing out of my bathroom I yanked on torn jeans and a black shirt. Applying eyeliner and running a brush through my hair and over my teeth, heading out the door I put my phone in the bag.  

"Finally" letting out a dramatic sigh she towed to the three car garage. Mouthing a help me to Setti and Alex along the way they laughed.  

Piling into a small burgundy Mazda she drove. Climbing out I surveyed the tall glass building "the mall?" Smiling excitedly I shook my head, only her I swear. Locking the car I followed them inside. Browsing through a few stores I picked out a few shirts, pair of shoes, and new gauges, leaving behind things I couldn't afford. Retrieving the things I put down Mya and Stevie shoved them back at me, then to the checkout counter, "Stevie I don't have a job, I have twenty bucks not fifty".  

Scanning a black card before I could pay she grinned "what the hell was that?" Eyeing her as she placed the credit card back in her bag, "that was the school paying for whatever we want today".

I knew the school was loaded but I didn't think they gave it so freely. Testing its un-tangible limit, Stevie sat in a salon bags surrounding her. I had to give it to the country bumpkin she knew how to shop. I on the hand was satisfied with my two bags I could never really understand the need to have a large amount of clothes or makeup.

"Thank god" groaning a head ache began to rise, as I stepped into the school. Leaving our purchases by the couches I grabbed a soda from the fridge. I liked hanging out with people but sometimes they just really annoyed me, it doesn't help much when you have a certain redhead saying unnecessary shit either.

"Oh wow look what Bessie the cow dragged in; real clothes instead overalls" scoffing at her Stevie's smile dropped a little at Amy's comment. Glaring at her I tossed the can "better than walking around looking like a stripper" pausing I fake gasped "oh I'm sorry I didn't see you there". Curling her lip at me in a sneer she played innocent "you shouldn't talk about your mom like that its rude". "And you should really take care of that bitchy resting face, it's not attractive" I said walking to my room.  

Unlocking my door I found Alex waiting by it "well you look joyous" I gave him a look, making him put his hands up in surrender "Jesus don't kill me". Sighing I apologized "sorry it's just a certain redhead has chosen a very unfortunate time to piss me off" he leaned against the door frame "oh you mean Amy". "Yeah that thing" I said "oh come on she's not that bad". Oh yeah I bet he knew all about her and her 'personality, learning that in during her petty mind games after a few tumbles in the sack. And there goes my temper again.

"I'm sure you do" entering my dorm he pulled me back "listen I'm sorry okay, I know how she can be, but give her a chance alright? Also I just wanted to say goodnight" biting back a smart ass retort, a small smile crept on my face from just his small act of chivalry "goodnight Alex". Dropping my things by the door I kicked off my shoes rubbing my face tiredly; today had stretched on far too long.

Yanking my hair out of its knot, I switched my jeans for silk shorts sliding beneath my covers. Turning off the bed lamp I closed my eyes, and let my mind relax. I meant to ask Mya about the blue eyed balcony boy but it slipped my mind, I wonder what he did today. Searching in the dark my hand found the parcel of paper tucked in my night stand.

Fluttering through the curtains moonlight illuminated the paper, making the eyes come to life, twinkling with mischief. Drifting off they stared back at me. I didn't know what it was about seeing him, just something about those eyes, I couldn't quite pin point it but it was-intrinsic.

Sliding on a red dress that Saturday, I made myself publicly presentable. After many hours of begging and bribing Naomi and Mya had convinced me to go out with them, and a few others. Stepping out of the limo I looked at the club, titled 'Under 21'. Lingering near the wet bar I swiped jello shots from a passing waitress while the girls mingled.

"So you don't dance?" standing beside me Alex blatantly checked me out. I was honestly surprised he wasn't dancing with his partner in crime Amy. "Is this you asking me to dance?" I said over the music. Throwing an arm over my shoulder he guided me out to the floor. Dancing through 6 songs I bumped into my favorite person "watch were you're going bitch" sigh-Amy. "I will as soon as you stop being a desperate hoe" ignoring me she began to dance 'sexily' on Dean, poor kid.

Swaying against Alex she continued to try to 'show me up' seriously she had some insecurity issues. Grinding on Alex to 'red nose' pulling moves from my previous dance class, I tried to enjoy the music, without her annoying presence. Gulping down the cold water I caught sight of her swiping Alex to dance with she gave me a smirk.

Calling a taxi, I really didn't feel like dealing with her tonight and possibly getting kicked out of the club for starting a fight, I had too much on my mind.  

Arriving back at school I took off my heels letting the wet grass slide between my toes tickling them. Sitting on the tree swing at by the basketball courts I leaned back looking at the moon. I missed being home, I miss my room and brother, and hell I even missed my dog.  

"Rough night?" a deep voice said from beside me. Peering into the shadows, I found balcony boy leaning against the oak tree beside me. "Ha something like that you could suppose" I said, "would it have anything to do with a certain redhead" scoffing I smiled "possibly".

Stepping away from the tree the first thing I saw as he came into the moonlight was his eyes. They were just like my drawing a mesmerizing deep blue, black hair messily arranged, dressed in dark jeans and a black shirt that hinted at a lean muscle. Rocking myself lightly, a breeze started up "I remember you; you're the one from the balcony".

Chuckling silently he grinned "I'm Ash," "Kenzi". Subtly shamelessly eyed him, he wasn't bad looking at all "why didn't I see you when I first arrived?" Ash shrugged "I like to keep to myself". Nodding understood what he meant, sometimes socializing for was more of a task than it was an enjoyable everyday activity. "I can understand that" I said "so how do you like your stay at Washmore?" scoffing I swung some more "its.. Different" cracking a smile his brow twitched upward "you mean sucks?"

Scuffing my feet we both grinned knowingly "pfft yeah" "it gets better" he said. "Promise?" I asked "I promise-" Being cut off I can hear Stevie calling my name. "Duty calls" smirking his eyes sparked with humor.

"Who were you talking to"? Stevie asked me as she made her way over checking over my shoulder I realized he had disappeared. Where the hell did he go, he was just here two seconds ago and I know I'm not going insane, giving up I headed inside "nobody".

Stopping at my room she gave me a piece of advice "try not to get caught up in Amy's bullshit she gets off by pushing peoples buttons". Bidding her a goodnight I changed into an oversized shirt pawning over the nights events. Glancing at the set of eyes drawing I sighed I could finally put a face to them. But he himself was still a mystery, Collapsing on my bed I fell asleep without second thought.

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