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Guanlin POV

did she just confessed,

"so u mean you like baejin ?"

"what so good about him ?" i blabbering

"shut up he's cute." she answered. rood.

"you won't know how it feels when we met at starbuck he always do this" she said and tapped my shoulder two times

"that's so cool" she said with fangirling tone.

i was the one who always tapped her shoulder two times like that, so ..

"are you sure it's jinyo-" i said but then jinyoung greet us

"ooh guanlin hyung. i knew it you guys smells fishy before, are you on date ?" he said while linking arms with his girlfriend yoojung.

date ur ass jinyoung.

"oooh eunbyul hii" yoojung said,

she already sounds like a bitch,

"oh hi" eunbyul said it with a different tone to yoojung, she must be mad.

"jinyoung we have something to do, we'll be going first sorry" i dragged eunbyul outside starbuck.


"what are you doing ?!" she said

"what ? i just helped you to escape from the awkwardness"

"tsk i want to see his face more tho" .
what's so good about jiyoung his face size is just as big as my butt, and he's so lazy eunbyul.

Eunbyul POV

after i met jinyoung at starbuck and dragged by guanlin outside there and has nothing more to do, i decided to go home.

but before going home i need to buy something first, gualin told me that he will take me home but i declined.

he's not even my boyfriend why would he take me home, that's make my hope highs bruh.

"takoyaki one portion please" i said,

"yes we'll process your order, it'll be 2400 won"


"thank you please wait for your order"

then after bought something to eat i finally go home, it's already 5PM wtf.

"what a nice second day of school" i faked shouting so eomma can hear it,

"you didn't cause any trouble right ?" she teased me

"not yet eomma" i chuckled

"go to your room don't go inside seonho's room because he's playing with his friend" eomma warned

"tsk he doesn't have any friend tho, who did he bring ?"

"idk but he's kinda good looking" eomma laughed

"oh a boy, i tot he brought some hoe" i murmured,

"your taste so-so i knew that his friend won't be good looking, ah whatever im going bye" i waved then go upstairs.

"YOO SEONHO YOO YOO YOO YOO YOO SEONHO SEONHO YA YA YA YA" i annoyed him infront of his room then barged into his room,

"YAH EUNBYUL!! eomma already told you not to disturb me why are you barging to my room!" he shouted and tried to covering that guy who's changing clothes

and that's guanlin, i saw his abs damn.

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