Just then, he saw him, the new kid walking towards them. "Shit!" Dean mentally slapped himself for looking idiotic as he quickly sat up straight, Kevin getting the memo instantly as he tried looked presentable himself. "Yeah so this jackass ran into me as i was helping my little brother..." Dean made up a conversation and Kevin played along as the boy walked up to them.

"Hey, sorry but i think i have you in my U.S. History class? You're Dean, right?" He questioned, his lips curling into a smile. "Yeah, thats me. Whats up?" Dean quickly turned into his usual cocky self, a smirk quickly forming. "Well I'm not really sure what textbook to check out and i was wondering if you could help? If you don't mind..." "Nah, i can help, sweetheart." Dean stood up and Cas ignored the pet name and thanked him.

Dean slung his arm over the boy and walked down the library, smiling as he noticed the thumbs up from Kevin. "So why'd ya move senior year? Seems kind of ridiculous to me." Dean sparked a conversation as he looked for the textbook sign and rows. "Well, my dad got a major job opportunity and we packed our bags and followed him five hours west. It sucks... i mean i had a shit load of friends back home but now... I'm starting over senior year." The boy looked down as they walked, his blue eyes filling with sadness.

"Hey, look on the bright side, you'll make more friends who you'll forget after college." Dean smiled and lightly punched the boys jaw before letting go. "Are you always this nice to the new kids?" The boy couldn't help but laugh as he followed Dean into a row of books. "Only the pretty ones." Dean turned his head and smirked before jolting to a stop. "Your book should be in this section, knock yourself out."

"Thanks..." The boy chuckled in thought before hesitating, "Im sorry but i didn't catch your name?" "I didn't throw it." Dean smiled before continuing, "Dean Winchester." He held out his hand and the boy shook it shortly after. "Castiel Novak." The boy-- Castiel responded.

"I'll see you at lunch, Cas."


The first day was rough for Castiel, the lunch room huge and full of tables with little seating. He sighed, wondering if he would have to eat in the bathroom like everyone did in the movies. Im the next Katie huh... He thought to himself, his lips forming into a small pout as he decided to sit on, one of the many, window sills.

"Hey Cas, hows life?" Dean casually sat down next to the boy, noticing how he jumped at the sudden appearance. "G-Good.. How did you?--" "Never mind that darling, i've decided to invite you over to our lunch table." Dean smiled kindly, his hands shoving inside his denim jacket. "Im not one to take down a kind offer but who is 'our' composed of?" Cas replied cooly, leaning against the window frame as he sipped on his chocolate milk. "A few friends of mine... Kevin, Charlie, Lisa, and Benny."

Castiel hummed in thought before setting his milk onto his tray. "Alright, I'll come along." He agreed happily, standing up to follow the boy down the row lunch tables. "You'll love the gang..." Dean replied happily as he walked up to the table with his hands gesturing to Castiel. "Guys, this is Cas. Cas, guys." Dean sat down at his spot and gestured for Cas to sit next to him.

Dean started to introduce his pals, deciding to give a summary about all of them. "This is Kevin, you met him at the library table. He's a junior but we let him slide." "Nice to meet you Cas." Kevin waved. "And thats Charlie, shes in computer science and can help change a grade or two if needed." "Or all of them if you're desperate." She laughed softy. "Im sure you heard about Lisa, she's in our class and can help get receipts if you know what i mean.." "I cant make promises but i can get anyones dirty work from a single username." Lisa winked and leaned against Charlie with a grin. "And finally, Benny. This guy knows his way around the school and has many friends in the drug business." "Dude can you stop bringing that up? That was last year, i've officially given up in 'the business'." Benny grumbled as he rolled his eyes.

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