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Gray P.O.V

         What the hell was going on? Why was my necklace glowing, and why was Natsu's scarf glowing? "Gramps, What's going on, and why is my scarf glowing?" Natsu asked. "Whatever it is, I bet its flame brains fault" I argued. "What! My fault! How!" Natsu and I began bickering. "Boys, please. This is serious." Master said in a serious tone. 

         "Eighteen years ago, the Goddess of Nature gave birth to two boys. Non- identical twins. One born of fire, one born of ice. Although these boys were complete opposites, where they were from they were known as the boys of balance. Being born as balance was very rare where these two were from. But war struck the land on which they were born, the Goddess of Nature had to save her sons. She knew exactly where they had to go and what she had to do. She left her child born of fire, with a dragon and her other child born of ice, with a great ice wizard.  She knew one day, by destiny, they would meet again. She gave and enchanted scarf to the dragon to give her son and an enchanted necklace to the ice wizard to give her other child. By enchanting these items, it would let them know its time. This would happen by shining a bright golden flare." Master ended his story there.

         We're these kids us? Watch this true? I looked over to Natsu. I could tell he was thinking the same thing. The concentration on his face showed confusion and frustration. I couldn't believe what I was told. I mean how could I. This was all too crazy. "Are those kids us?" Natsu murmured. "What was that Natsu?" Master asked. "Are... Those... Kids... Us?" Natsu said more aggressively. "Yes" Master said guilty. Natsu and I... Brothers? I thought in my head.

Natsu P.O.V

         "How long have you known this!" I exclaimed to Gramps. He sighed, "Ever since you both joined Fairy Tail." Gramps explained, hanging his head down. "How could you! Why would you!" I yelled, "All these years, I believed I had no actual family! And the thing I wanted most, you kept from me!" I yelled shaking my head. I stormed out of Gramp's office. A single tear falling from my eye.

         "Natsu!" I heard happy yell. Though I didn't turn around. I needed to be alone. As I was just about to leave Fairy Tail, I felt something jerk my shoulder back. I turned around to see Lucy. Her brown eyes staring into mine.

         "Natsu, what's wrong? What happened?" she asked still starring at me.  "Ill tell you later. What ever you do, don't ask anybody until I tell you, okay?" She nodded and I walked out the guild doors.

         I walked to a field that consisted of mainly Cherry Blossom trees. What had Gramps meant when he said "its time". Time for what? 

Sorry these chapters are short. Ill make them longer once I get to a part I haven't actually written. its just I have semi-big hand writing so it seems like I wrote a crap load of stuff. But I hope you like so far. Be ready for the next chapter pretty soon ^.^

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