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:Come on, Sokya!: I urge my dolphin on. Dai and i were riding the Dolphins. Dai shouts with glee. It has been a week since we had returned from Atlantea, and Sunny, Shadow, Rad, Ocho, and Dai were getting along well, living with us. :Nere,:I hear Dai's voice in my head. :let's turn around. I have to tell you something.:I glance at Dai. He motioned for his dolphin, Ton, to turn around. :Turn around, Sokya,: I commanded mentally. She twisted playfully. I let go of her dorsal fin in surprise and tumbled off. :Sokya!: I scolded. Dai was by my side in an instant. :You ok?: he asked me. :of course,: I told him. I felt like Dai was always worried about me, even if a fish so much as nibbles my hair! :just making sure,: he shrugged. :so what were you going to tell me?: I nodded at him. :well,: he started. :the water temp is going up. I had a talk with your father, and he told me we should spread the c-plankton.: :'Kay, did he say when, or how?: I asked.
:he told me I was in charge of that.: I raised an eyebrow at Dai. Why would my dad put Dai in charge of that? :because he told me I was the most "responsible".: Dai stated. I glared at him. :first of all, no mind reading, second, there are plenty of other responsible Neptune kids!:
:well, that's what I mean,: Dai said. :I want you to help me.: he smirked that crooked smile of his, and I felt my heart melt. I really liked Dai, but he made me happy, confused, and aggravated all at once. I studied his lips. I remembered the last time we had...kissed. It was on my birthday.
:I'd be happy to fulfill your wish,: Dai moved closer to me. My cheeks went red. :Dai, Stop it! I have no "wish!": Dai placed his hands on my shoulders. His hands were strong and gentle. He gazed into my eyes. Was he going to kiss me? I think I would kiss him back. :would you?: Dai broke into my thoughts. :Dai! Stop reading my mi...: but before I could reply, he leaned towards me and kissed me. I kissed him back. My mind drifted away. All I could think of was Dai... My kiss... His hands on my shoulders.
Then Ton and Sokya started whistling and sawing nervously through the water. I hadn't realized they were there... :Nere,: Sokya clicked. :a big shark. Coming fast!: I let go of Dai and spun around. A huge mako was darting straight towards me! I had no time to get my spear gun ready. Dai tried to jump in front of me, but he was too late. The shark rammed into me, it's jaws open wide. Suddenly, everything went black.
I woke up hearing voices. I lifted up and my shoulder hurt extremely bad.
:agggghhhh!: I groaned. Tobin and Rohan, the medics came towards me.
:what happened?: I asked. I remembered me and Dai kissing, then a shark...
:a shark hurt you,: Rohan answered. :Then you went unconscious. Dai brought you back here. Your shoulder is sliced open, and you have 2 cracked ribs. You have a deep gash on your stomach, though. I'm glad it wasn't worse.: Tobin added.
A gash on my stomach, that meant they had... Uncovered me. I blushed, for some reason. I looked around for Dai. He was floating against the wall, his face right with worry. :Dai,: I struggle to send him my message.
He looked up and hurried to my side.
:Nere! Are you ok?: he asked.
:well, I don't know, I have 2 cracked ribs...: :I know,: Dai said. I blushed. :um, how did you know?: hoping Tobin had just told him. I could see his face turn red, and suddenly he was very interested at the minnow swimming by. :well, I, uh... I kind of... Checked you for injuries before I took you here. I had to wrap up your wound because you would have bled to death!:
I tried my best to look angry, but I was in too much pain. :I would have done that for anybody,: Dai shrugged. :I didn't... Do anything,: he said. :alright.: I said. :thank you for taking me back here.:

Note from author:
Thank y'all for reading! Please comment and vote:) I hoped you like it. I hope to have maybe one or two chapters done a week. I'm kinda busy with stuff. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make this better, and tell me if I'm doing ok! Thanks all of you!!!!!! I hope you like the story.

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