Shower scene

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*A/N: okay so some of you asked about the shower scene from the last oneshot (Teamwork) so here it is! Sorry if it isn't as long as a normal story but I tried to make it as long as possible!... I've should've learned for a math test tomorrow... <hides in a pillow fortress full of ashamed smutty fanfiction>*

Bruce carried Joker into Wayne manor. "So, you wanna take that shower now?" Bruce asked while kissing Jokers neck.
"Hmmm... no, let's wait a week."
"Just kidding, silly! Of course I wanna take a shower now!"
"Okay, I'll bring you to the shower, do you need something?"
"Uhh... you have soap?"
"Of course."
"You have... a sponge?"
"I think so."
"You have uh..." Joker got a little red from blushing and whispered in Bruce's ear. "That one thing?"
"What you mean with "that one thing"?"
"Well, you know those things that's just a sponge on a stick?"
"Ooh yeah, I have one.... you dirty little brat!"
"Hehe... you don't even know what I wanna do with it!"
"That was all?"
"Uhhh... yes... wait! Do you have a bar of soap or a bottle?"
"Both, why?"
"I need both!" Joker smiled.
Bruce grabbed all the things Joker wished for and turned on the shower.
"Sooo... what you're gonna do with all these things?" Bruce asked out of curiosity.
"Well... I need the sponge to wash myself... and the other things... for fun!"
"Hmmm... and what kind of fun?"
"What? You're gonna clean my shower?"
"Hahahahah no, you silly! I'm gonna clean something else..." he ran a finger over Bruce's chest and started to get out of his clothes.

After they both undressed they stepped inside the shower. Joker looked down and then at Bruce's.
"So uh... shall I start?" Joker asked, getting more shy by the second.
"Yes, show me what that pretty hands can do..."
Joker grabbed the sponge and put some soap on it and started to wash himself, the he put the sponge on Bruce's chest.
"Your abs are so big..."
Bruce smiled and took the sponge over. "Let's do something different... I bet you didn't plan to get this inside you, did you?"
"N-no.. but, Batsy, I-I had that s-stick for that?"
"That stick can help...." Bruce smirked and gently turned Joker around. "Bend over.."
Joker obeyed and put his hands on his knees. Bruce first rubbed his thumb against Jokers entrance.
"Hmm... you're so tight!" Bruce said while pushing his thumb in a little bit. Joker squeaked and bit on his lip. Bruce entered Joker with his finger, moving it in and out, followed by a second finger.
"G-god... your finger a-are so big!"
"You want the sponge instead?"
Joker shook his head. "Y-your shower, y-you can use w-what you want."
"Then... I'm gonna use the sponge now... don't worry, I'll smooth it with a bit of soap..." Bruce grabbed the bottle of shampoo and put it on the sponge before making it as small as possible. "I'm making it small, so it expands inside you... you want that?"
Joker bit his lip and nodded.
"Y-yes Daddy."

After that, Bruce pushed the sponge in. First Joker let out a moan, but when the sponge started to spread there came a cry of pain out of the small man. Bruce laid his hand on Jokers back. "Ssshh... you're doing great!"
"B-batsy... i-it hurts!"
"Sssssh... I'll get it out... but I want you to expect more pain than this..."
Joker nodded and looked up at Bruce. Bruce put his finger right under Jokers entrance and pushed a little. Joker started to whine and almost got tears in his eyes.
"I want you to push it out..." Bruce commanded. Joker bit down on his lip hard and started to push out the sponge. The sponge got out pretty easily and landed on Bruce's hand.
"Good boy! Now, what you want to use next? The stick?"
"Y-yes, p-please, Batsy."
Bruce smiled and grabbed the stick.
"Grab your toes."
"B-but I already have my hands on my kne-"
"Grab. Your. Toes."
Joker swallowed hard and bend down farther than he already was and grabbed his toes. Bruce rubbed the stick against Jokers back and went down to his butt. Then, without warning, Bruce pushed the stick in deep. "FUCK!" Joker screamed put in pain while aching his back. Bruce started to move the stick in and out really quick. "Fuhuhuhuhuck, Batdad!"
"Don't call me that, Daddy or Batsy, okay... but my kid calls me Batdad and I don't want you to call me that. Got it?"
"Y-yes, Daddy."

After a couple minutes Bruce pulled out the stick and pulled Joker up to him. "Did that hurt?" He asked while rubbing his nose against the smaller mans head.
"N-no, Daddy." Joker stumbled, not know if the water on his face where his tears or the water from the shower. Bruce turned off the water.
"Don't speak. I want you to lay down on your back and spread you legs."
Joker did what him was asked and lay down.
Bruce grabbed a tube that was attached to the shower and turned on the water to it.
"You see this?" He pointed at the tube.
"Y-yes, Daddy."
"This is gonna fill you..."
"O-okay, Daddy..."
"You want warm or cold water?"
"W-warm, please?"
"You get cold. I'm gonna get something, I'll be right back." Bruce said and walked away. Joker didn't have the strength to get up anymore. He wanted to leave but he also wanted to stay with his Batsy so bad.

A minute later Bruce came back with a buttplug. He put it down next to Jokers head. It was a really big, pink one. Joker swallowed hard when he looked at it. Bruce grabbed the tube and switched the warm water to cold. He spread Joker legs a bit more before pushing the tube in.
Joker gasped at the cold water what filled him. First it felt good but then the pain started.
"I'm gonna give you one and a half liter  okay? I've set a measure on it."
"It's much but I'm sure you can take it..."
"B-but it hurt a-already!"
"Well, it's gonna hurt even more soon."
Bruce turned the water a bit slower. He saw at Jokers face that he was in pain so he turned off the water. "You're okay?"
"Y-yes, Daddy."
"You're sure about that?"
Joker shook his head. "I-it's so much, D-daddy!"
"You're already halfway through. Let's make it just one liter, okay?"
Joker nodded. Bruce leaned down a kissed Joker before turning on the water again.

After a minute Bruce saw that Joker reached the one liter, he wanted to go on for a little bit more. Jokers stomach got a big bigger and Bruce turned off the water.
"I'm gonna pull the tube out and put this big thing in you, okay? Don't you dare to spill something."
"O-okay, Daddy." Joker said while trying to prepare himself for it. Bruce pulled put the tube and Joker tried with all his power to keep the water inside him. Bruce quickly pushed the buttplug in and put his hand on Jokers belly.
"I-it hurts so m-much, Daddy!"
"I know... I'll get you a towel, okay?"
Joker nodded and looked how Bruce stood up and grabbed a towel. Bruce started to dry off the smaller man and kisses the with water filled bump.
"Y-you're sure t-this isn't to much w-water?" Joker looked at his stomach.
"This is just enough." Bruce said while he started to plant little kisses on it. Joker was usually so skinny, his whole stomach was cold because of the water, it made Bruce kinda worry but Joker seemed fine so far.

"You're such a good boy!" Bruce said while pushing the buttplug a little deeper. "And you're so hard!" Bruce played with Jokers erected cock.
"You think you can walk to the toilet?"  Bruce said when he pulled Joker up on his feet. Joker tried to stand but almost fell to the ground if Bruce wasn't there to hold him up.
"I-I can't, Daddy. It h-hurts too much!"
"I'll bring you..."
Bruce carefully lifted Joker up and placed him on the toilet. Bruce pulled out the buttplug and the water started to rush out of Jokers stomach.
Joker started to cry but covered his eyes with his hands. Bruce wiped away Jokers tears. "Sshh, it's okay, baby... I'm gonna pull your legs up, you have to push the last water out, okay?"
Joker nodded while he bit on his finger before grabbing the toilet seat tight. Bruce pulled up Jokers legs and Joker pushed out the last bit of water.
After that, Bruce lifted Joker from the toilet and laid him over his shoulder.
"W-what you're d-doing?"
"Wiping your butt."
Joker didn't want to say anything because he knew if he had to do it himself it would hurt even more than when Bruce did it.

Bruce carried Joker to the bedroom and lay him down in bed.
"You want to fuck or rest?"
"I-I want to cuddle."
"Okay, that's good." Bruce put the blanket over Joker and lay down next to him and started to cuddle him.
"I-I'm glad Eddie deactivated t-the chip..." Joker said while snuggling into Bruce's abs.
"Yes, it would be pretty gross to see what we just did."
"I-I still feel like I'm b-being watched tho..."

In Jokers old hideout Riddler and Penguin sat on the couch, watching a tv screen.
"I can't believe you told him you deactivated that chip!" Penguin, who has already thrown up 3 times because of what they just saw, sighed.
"Well, I thought, they became really close because of some riddles so let's see what they do if they think nobody knows! And this is waaay better than porn!"

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