Lego Batman Kiss

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A/N: When I wrote this I wanted to try a different style of writing. This story isn't copied from internet, it's just my crazy brain that wants to write a story with POV's
*this story contains: sex. If you're triggered by this or underaged you might better skip this story!*

Lego Batman Kiss
Joker's POV
The bomb just exploded! I did it! I ectually did it, I'm destroying Gotham! Batsy would be so proud... if he love me, but he doesn't. Stupid Bats. I run away, Gotham is going to fall apart so I don't want to be on the side with all that goodguys. I'm a real villain! Not like one of those cosplayers like the Riddler, Bane, Two-face... or the Condiment King. Okay he was kinda cool, I wish I had wapons like that, never running out of ketchup anymore!

Batman's POV:
Where is he? Where is that little dick of a clown... I have to let him pay for this, nobody destroyes MY Gotham! I run out of the building where the bomb exploded. I have to find that clown! I run past a parking lot. "NO!! MY PRIVATE PLACE TO PARK MY CAR!! Uh I mean... Bruce Wayne's private place to park his car." Damn I have to think about what I say. The parking lot has a big hole in it, like something is tearing apart Gotham. Oh wait, yeah that's happening. Stupid. I see all the bad villains like Voldemort and King Kong standing at the other side. I can't come there, it's too far away I can't jump over the gap between the two parts of the city. Wait, is that...? Is that the Joker?! What does he do at the side of the really bad badguys?! He isn't like them, he is a chubby clown that likes to play with bombs! We all have to do something to make the city. "We have to put our heads together!" Robin says, I don't listen to him, he's a Dick, litarly. "We have to something with our heads." Barbara says, damn she's... a good police. What did you think? That I would fall in love with a stupid police girl if there runs a crazy chubby clown on the streets? Stupid. "Quick make a tower!" I say, I'm a super Ideamaster.

"I'll go on top! Alfred can you handle down?" I ask, I could probaly do it because of my awesome nine-pack but yeah, I'm too cool to be at the buttom. "Yes, sir! Abs of steel!" Alfred says with a whole tower of people on his shoulder.

Alfreds POV:
Jesus christ this is so hard!! Those people are too havy! HELP!!!

Joker's POV
I'm standing on the edge of my side of the city. Batman is building a stupid tower, probaly to reach me, I mean saving the city doesn't make everything alright, right? The tower falls over to this side but it's not long enough. "Joker grab my hand!"  Batsy says, kinda angry.
"No, I'm gonna die here, as your gratest enemy! I have to die to know it!" I say while I make a really sad face, I know Batsy can't handle that.
"You're not my gratest enemy!"
"Yeah you made that pretty clear already!"
"Shut up! You're more than that..."
"You are the reason I train everyday to make my nine-pack perfectly awesome, you are the reason I'm batman. There is no batman without the Joker. So grab my hand and save the city, and save us."
"You... said us."

I can't believe he said US! Us us us, us us us us! US!! Yaay he said Us!!
"So... what you gonna say?" He asks reaching out his hand.
"You had me at shut up!" I make the signal everybody on my side has to make a tower like that one on Batsy's side. I'm on top when the tower falls over to Batman. I grab his hand, I hope I never have to let go.
"How is it with your abs?"
"Uhm... too much flab, not enough ab. Hehe. Why?"
"You have to use them!" On that moment it feels like I am going to break all the bones in my back, legs, and arms. Not a couple seconds later I stay there, facing Batsy, who is really close, and I'm still holding his hands.
"I'm just gonna come right out and say it..." he breaks the silence. "I hate you, Joker."
I gasp, looking a bit down at Harley who's making hand signals to say I have to kiss him.
"I hate you too." STUPID ME! I have to kiss him not to say how much I hate him!
"I hate you more!"
Does he thinks this is a game? Well, mister black and yellow, I can play this game too. "I hate you the most!" I say, I have the feeling I'm winning!
"I hate you forever..." he says, and he comes closer to my face. I close my eyes, ready to kiss him, as suddenly the towers fall apart. No! No no no no no no no NO! NOT NOW! IT ISN'T FAIR! WHY?!! We alsmost kissed!! Everybody is cheering because they're happy the world is saved. "Yaay! The world is fine! We're not gonna die!" I say on a sarcastic tone.

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