Two-Bit's drunken stories

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"Ponyboy Michael Curtis!"

I cringed. It wasn't Darry who was hollering my name, it was a drunk Two-Bit.

Normally Two-Bit doesn't get too drunk, especially if he's coming to our house, but once in a while he gets so drunk he can't even remember his name.

He stumbled out the kitchen and leaped onto the couch I was sitting on. He moaned in pain and I scooted away from him. His head shot up, "where you going?" He whined and latched his arms around my waist.

I squirmed, "I'm going to bed," I mumbled and started to get up, but Two-Bit pushed me right back on the couch. He stood up, "you can't go to bed without a bedtime story!"

I groaned, "I don't need a story, I'm fourteen years old!"

Two-Bit's eyes went big, "but I still tell Auriela bedtime stories,"

I rolled my eyes. Auriela is Two-Bit's little sister, she's my age, fourteen, but she still acts ten, I reckon Two-Bit's immaturity rubbed off on her.

"I'm not Auriela," I yelped when Two-Bit picked me up and put me on his lap, "let me go!" 

He stroked my hair, "you have red hair like Auriela, you two oughta go out sometimes" he smiled, then he started to cry.

"Auriela! My baby ain't a baby no more!" His hot tears were spilling on my right shoulder. I sighed and let him cry it out.

Two seconds later he wiped away his tears, "let me tell you a bedtime story," he pouted, "please,"

You wanna see something real funny? It's a six foot greaser sticking his bottom lip out and giving me puppy dog eyes.

I grumbled, "fine,"

He grinned and carried me to my bed and threw me on it.

"Would you like Cinderella or Snow White?" He said, sitting on Soda's side of the bed.

I groaned, "can I have some mature stories, I ain't no kid!"

Two-Bit grinned at me, "you sure you ain't a kid?"

I nodded.

"Alright, you want a mature story, I'll tell ya a mature story!"

I quickly settled in my bed.

Two-Bit's smirk widened, "on a cold Sunday, I went walking towards a lake, I figured no one would be there since it's colder than a prude's vagina!" He snickered. My eyes widened, I felt sick.

"So here I am, minding my own business, when I hear a loud ass moan and a grunt! I walked towards the noise, and here they are! The girl is in a doggy position and the guy is banging her, but then I notice something's off. When he pulled out, there was a trash bag instead of a condom! A trash bag!"

I wanted to throw up, I wanted to cry, I wanted to SOB.

Two-Bit looked at me, then frowned, "you ain't tired yet? Well, I oughta tell you 'nother story."

"When I lost my virginity, I think I was twelve, maybe thirteen. Anyways, I saw a blonde with big tits and nice legs, and I whistled at her! She just turned around and called me a pervert, but then I winked at her and said-"

Two-Bit said something so dirty, I don't wanna repeat it.

"Then she smirked at me and kissed my cheek, she left a real red stain on it. I just smiled and smacked her ass when she walked away!" He started laughing like a hyena.

"So I call her back to me! She says that she's too old for me! Turns out she was eighteen, but that was after I banged her-"


Two-Bit's eyes went wide and he fell off the bed, trying to hide.

Sodapop glared at him and grabbed Two-Bit by his legs, then dragged him out. But it was hard to do since Two was holding onto a chair that was in our room.


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