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So let me explain. Yes, my brother and his friends are fuckboys. No surprise. But there is a guy in my school called Max, he is the biggest fuckboy of them all. And he is also our enemy. All of my boys hate him. He used to be my boyfriend, key word: used. He was that lovey dovey boyfriend that every girl wanted. But he was different. One day it was our two year anniversary and I went round with his presents, and I found him in bed with my "best friend" so I hit them both with my stiletto heel and walked out. Pleasant I know.

I got out of bed and got changed into some tight black leggings and my cropped hoodie. I walked downstairs and saw Derek. Oh yeah, our parents left us when we were little. We were put into care and then Derek got custody of me once he turned 18 and we live by ourselves. We have a very strong bond, we have been through a lot together.

"Hey bub" Derek said still looking down at his phone.

"Hey" I said back and grabbed my bag.

"Come on let's go" I called out to Derek and he got up and we got into the car.

We listened to Know Yourself by Drake on the way to school until we pulled up at the gates of hell. I got out the car and grabbed my bag, people threw me dirty looks for god knows what reason. I saw the boys at my locker and me and Derek walked over to them.

"What's good hoes." I said as I walked up to Sam and took a bite out of his bagel.

"Nothing much, there's a party tonight. You going lil mama?" Skate asked me.

"Yeah, I'll go." I responded

"Make sure she doesn't get shitfaced please." Derek pleaded since he knew he would have to take care of me when I come home.

"We'll try" Swazz shrugged

Then I heard his evil voice echo down the hallway. Max Ellis. Kill me now.

He walked over to me, you could tell the boys were pissed. He didn't make me scared, this is like the fifth time he's come up to me being an asswipe.

"Hey baby girl." He said

"Fuck you Max, leave." I pushed his chest and he acted offended.

"Oh baby you know you want me." He said seductively but in real life he wasn't the slightest bit attractive.

"Who would want your small dick looking ass." I said raising an eyebrow

"You loved my dick when it was inside you." He smirked

"Oh really? I couldn't feel it." I shrugged looking down at my nails and then back up at him.

"Your moans told me otherwise." He said getting slightly angry. I legit had to hold Derek's arm down to stop him from swinging and clocking his ass but he knows I can handle this myself.

"It's called acting. Why do you think I got highest grade in Drama?" I asked

"But I love you." He sighed, awh he gave up.

"I love you doesn't mean a damn thing if you spit it down the throat of every girl who makes you feel less dead!" I growled and slammed my locker and walked away.



I walked into the lunch hall and got stares, probably from the incident this morning.

I saw Sammy with his back turned to me so I ran up to him and hugged him from behind. He turned around hugged back.

"You okay princess?" He asked softly referring to what happened earlier

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry" I smiled up at kid and he kissed my forehead.

One of Max's friends, Luca, came up and smacked my ass. I gasped. Sammy sprung on him and pinned him up against the wall.

"If you ever dare to touch her again I will make sure you wake up under water, understood?" He growled through gritted teeth. Luca DIDNT respond which made Sam slam him against the wall again making sure he understood.

"Y-Yeah" he stuttered and ran away

"Thank you." I said and hugged him tightly

"He deserved it. He can't touch what's mine." He mumbled under his breath.

"Hey hey, he's gone now. It's okay." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Okay, I'll see you after school. Derek is having the boys round." He said and I nodded. He kissed my cheek and patted my ass twice playfully.

what would I do without samuel?

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