Pocky- Sjin3max

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(Sjin x Ross) Yep, it was only a matter of time until I wrote something about pocky.

Sjin hated when the HAT Films crew pulled this kind of shit, they'd always make him do something stupid and painful, they'd pressure him into joining their antics by calling him a pussy and such. Ross was the worst, Sjin swore that he had it out for him "It doesn't hurt that bad." he'd say "I thought you were a man." And of course, Sjin would electrocute himself or eat something gross, whatever Ross made fun of him for not doing.

"I got you something." Ross said in a sing-song voice. Thankfully Sjin wasn't recording, he didn't want a fool to be made of him in front of his viewers, even though he was sure they'd have a laugh.

"What is it?" Sjin asked, eyes still glued to his computer screen. Sjin hadn't noticed Ross come up behind him until his chair was spun around.

"It's called pocky, the fangirls are all over it nowadays." Ross answered calmly. Sjin's face crumpled at the smell of booze on Ross' breath as he spoke.

"Ross, you're drunk." Sjin said bluntly.

"What are you on about? I'm perfectly sober." Ross' voice was slightly slurred, proving that he was actually drunk. Sjin rolled his eyes and watched Ross open the long rectangular box and the crinkly plastic bag inside. Ross hid the box from Sjin before quickly slipping something sweet into his mouth. Sjin was about to start actually eating whatever Ross put in his mouth, ready to get to the part where he would eat something disgusting and everyone would laugh so he could get this over with, but Ross stopped him.

"Wait," Ross mumbled, placing his lips on the other end of the pocky "now you can chew." Now Sjin understood what the punchline of this prank was going to be, they were going to kiss and everybody would have themselves a laugh, the HATs probably got drunk and convinced Ross to do this. Ross ate quickly, by the time Sjin had taken a few bites Ross was halfway done, his eyes trained on Sjin's lips the whole time. Ross pressed their lips together, eyes shut tightly, head tilted to the side, arms around Sjin's neck so he couldn't escape, not that he'd want to. Sjin's heart hammered in his chest as he realized how much passion Ross had, this wasn't a joke. Sjin realized he could taste the alcohol and chocolate on Ross' lips before Ross pulled away, red faced and out of breath.

"That was.." Sjin started

"Sorry" Ross mumbled

"Don't be sorry," Sjin said "I liked it."

"No, I mean for the other shit I did to you"

"Apology accepted." Sjin chuckled

I need sleep, thanks for reading.

Sjin x everyoneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang