Morning Coffee- Veterin

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(Veteran Harry(Barry) x Sjin)

Barry had been catching himself drawing Sjin a lot nowadays. Nothing special, just the usual: beard, beanie hat, they weren't very high quality. But that wasn't his concern; it was the amount of drawings he had made, and usually thrown away, that worried him. 'Sjin is just fun to draw' he'd managed to convince himself at first, but he had a hard time convincing himself when he caught himself staring into those beautiful baby blues of his. Barry could feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment when Sjin caught him looking. And that was another issue, he often couldn't take his eyes off of Sjin whenever he was in viewing range, and even if he wasn't in the vicinity Barry would always have pictures of him saved for the use of thumbnail editing to distract himself with. He hadn't been able to get much work done like this, he tried wait 'til this irritating crush faded away.

"Good morning." Sjin said as he sat in the seat next to Barry in the break room, drinking his morning coffee as the sound of rain outside made it's way to Barry's ears

"G'morning." Barry replied, trying to keep himself from looking at Sjin longer than a quick glance. Sjin rubbed his arms, shivering a little.

"It's pretty cold." Barry said, scooting his chair closer to Sjin's, using the cold as an excuse to cuddle up to Sjin a little. Sjin looked at him weirdly and Barry realized that he was acting like an awkward teenager, he scooted away a little so they weren't quite touching anymore.

"I need coffee." Barry complained as a way to change the subject, peering towards the coffee machine in the other room only to see that the pot was empty. Sighing, Barry rested his head on his fist in defeat. He really didn't want to get up and make more coffee. There was always the option of making tea for himself but he'd have to get up to do that too. Sjin slid his mug of coffee towards Barry who glanced toward the coffee and to Sjin's face. He had a difficult  time moving his eyes away from Sjin's lovely smile. Barry took the mug and, hearing no complaints from Sjin, took a sip of the coffee. It was sweet, probably only half of the mug was filled with actual coffee with all of the creamer it had in it but Barry was glad to be drinking something warm on a day this cold. Barry couldn't help but be reminded of the fact that Sjin had drank from the cup, it was like kissing. Because of that thought, Barry set the coffee down and slid it back in Sjin's direction, blood rushing to his face in embarrassment. Sjin took his mug back with delicate hands.

"Were you drawing me?" Sjin asked suddenly, Barry took a second to realize what was just asked of him and when he did nervousness washed over him.

"Yeah." Barry replied nervously, his voice just above a whisper. Sjin pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, it was a drawing of himself, one that Barry had drawn.

"I found it in the bin," Sjin said "why'd you throw it away?"

Barry sighed, he really couldn't think of a good lie so he decided to let the truth out.

"It's not the first, I draw you a lot." Barry admitted. Sjin looked surprised, a light pink colour appeared on his cheeks and across the bridge of his nose.

"Me?" Sjin asked

"You're really pretty" Barry mumbled, the compliment seemed awkward and out of place but Sjin looked flattered. The shy look on his face seemed so cute to Barry, so innocent, the way he tried to hide his pretty face by turning away just slightly. Without thinking, Barry pulled Sjin in by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. Barry saw Sjin's eyes remain wide as he closed his own in pleasure, he hadn't realized how much he'd wanted this until he finally went through with it. He was the first to move away, worried that Sjin wasn't actually interested. Sjin looked at the younger man  with a happy sparkle in his eyes and a flushed face.

"'Love you too."

Thanks guys, for reading this, I know I haven't updated in a while but school's out now and I have a lot more free time to write things other than essays and far too long book reports. Now I've got nothing better to do than write fanfics for your reading pleasure. Thanks again.

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