Sophie stayed silent as Grady light leapt the two of them to Everglen, making a quick call to Alden prior.

As they were waiting at the gates, Grady sighed.

"Sophie . . . these past few months . . . ," Grady didn't know how to continue. He kept looking at the ground, unable to meet her eyes. "Edaline has been feeling very stressed and tired. With the baby . . . she wants to make sure she stays safe and healthy, especially with how she couldn't have stopped Jolie's death."

Sophie felt herself begin to shake and fill with tears. She hadn't noticed Edaline's discomfort at all the past few months. "She?"

Grady managed a small smile. "Yeah, she. You're having a baby sister."

A tear slipped out from Sophie's eyes as she hugged Grady. She hadn't been told if it was a boy or girl yet.

They heard the sound of the gates opening and Sophie stepped away from Grady, wiping her tears. "I'm coming home first thing tomorrow morning—and you can't stop me."

Grady chuckled and gave Sophie one last hug. "Sure thing, Kiddo."

Della greets Sophie and offers her a hug, in which Sophie accepts. Not even two steps later and Sophie's letting out all her emotions through her tears, crying, and Della strokes her hair and tells her everything will be all right, doing her best to comfort her as they walk inside.

* * *

Della had Sophie stay in the guest bedroom—the same one she stayed in during her very first night in the Lost Cities. Sophie sat on the bed with her face in her knees, crying.

Sophie put her head in her hands. How could I not have noticed?

She had been so caught up in her own drama and feelings, she hadn't been paying attention to how her parents had been. To how anything was progressing. She knew she wasn't responsible for this, but there was definitely something she could have done to help Edaline. She could have actually been there and been more supportive and reassuring if she had actually taken her eyes off her own problems and focused on her new baby sister.

Sophie didn't know how long she had been in that position on the bed, but every second she felt the wet spot on the knees of her leggings continue to grow.


Sophie recognized that voice, though she hadn't heard it being used with a soft tone very often. She didn't want to look up and show Biana her reddened eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

Sophie heard footsteps walk closer to the bed. "I know this isn't really my place to ask after everything, but . . . do you want to talk?"

Sophie didn't say anything, only occasionally sniffling.

"Okay," Biana whispered and sat down on the bed. "I'll be here if you do."

After a couple of more seconds, Sophie lifted up her head. She wiped her eyes on the sleeves of her shirt and asked, "Why?"

Biana looked shocked with her eyes widening slightly and eyebrows raised. "W—what?"

Sophie choked while trying to talk but tried to play it off as a laugh. "Why are you trying to be here for me? I don't even know if we're still even friends anymore."

"Oh." Biana looked down at the bedsheets, trying to think of what to say. "I know things have been really off between us since we've had that fight but I still am your friend, Sophie. Looking back at it, I don't really even know why I snapped back at you like that."

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