~Chapter Thirty Eight~

Start from the beginning

Hearing subtle footsteps approach, I call out for Flavio again, "Flavio?" Nothing. Feeling a bit confused I grabbed ahold of the front of the dress and walked out of the dressing room. Searching for the blonde-fashion-god, I turn to my right to be faced with a surprise. "AH!" I screech. Seeing as it was only 2p Spain/Andres I took some easy breaths. "Oh, it's just you. You startled me." His expression stays sullen and stoic.

Well I might as well introduce myself since I haven't spoken to him yet.

"Um, hi! I'm (Name), if you didn't know, but you probably did because you were probably in that meeting- anyways! I just wanted to introduce myself personally ya know so you knew who I was and know that I have good intentions."


A sweat mark dropping down the side of my face I smile sheepishly. "Um. Yeah. So, uh, good talk?" I say whilst turning around to leave.

"Wait." He says then sighs immediately afterwards.

So he does speak...

After sighing he points to his right and to the floor. On the floor are a set of 4 inch, Mary Jane, white and lacy high heels.

With another sigh the man spoke again, "He'd want you to wear those."

A grin shaping into my cheeks I thank him and walk towards them. Bending to pick them up I hear the most violent screech, "DON'T YOU DARE!"

Jolting in place, my face grows pale as an angry Italian stomps towards me. "Stand up straight!" He demands, making an "up" notion with his pointer finger. Standing straight immediately, my skin freezes over as the sight of the angry fashionista terrifies me. "You'll wrinkle the fabric if you bend over like that." Flavio stated lightly, changing his demeanor instantly. "So just stand up straight, I'll do it." He says whilst bending down to grab ahold of the heels. "Yes sir." I say jokingly. A humph of approval was heard and another sigh from Andres, "Don't do that, you'll inflate his ego even more."

Flavio grunts and addresses Andres' comment, "Shoo, Shoo! We don't need your negativity here!" Flavio shoo-ed Andres away, flapping his hands up and down. And as if on cue, Andres sighed and walked away.

"Alrighty then." I said in a light voice. Flavio finished placing my left heel then stood up straight, grinning with pride. That was until his grin faded away into a puzzled look. I smiled sheepishly in return.

"Vieni, we must do your makeup." He said, dragging me along. "If you're to dress as a bride you're to look as a bride."

Tugging on my wrist, Flavio led me back to the dressing room, this time taking me behind the mirror door. Behind the mirror door was the back of the catwalk, it was like a makeup studio. An array of makeup sat on a huge counter with mirrors all around it. A simple chair sat in the front of the counter that was until Flavio pushed it aside. Apparently he wanted me to stand while doing my makeup.


About an hour of applying various chemicals on my face I heard a familiar unruly voice.

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