Chapter 2

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Louis' prov*

The guys and I are just hanging out at my and Harry's flat. My mom told me that my cousin will be moving to England next month and she will need to stay with me and Harry for a while. I don't understand why she isn't just going to stay with her mom but you can't argue with parents. My mom never really explained to me why my aunt and uncle divorced. All I know is I haven't seen my cousin in years, so I'm really happy that I'll get to see her again.

"Boobear what are you thinking about?" Harry asked me, all of the boys heads turned to look at me.

"Nothing just thinking about seeing my cousin again." I explain

"Lou don't worry so much, I'm sure everything will go fine." It's not that I'm worried, ok just a little. When I was really little I always treated her like a little sister. She left before my sisters were born and I just really miss her. We had been really close until she moved away.

"Lou don't forget you need to pick her up at the airport. She will be here two weeks from tomorrow." Liam reminded me.

"yea, I kinda can't forget because you guys keep reminding me and so does my mom!"

Lindsey's prov*

The house is almost all packed, when my mom comes up the stairs looking all ready to go to court. "Lindsey are you ready?" I have on my heels a knee length fitted black skirt, and a really cute pastel pink dress shirt.

"As ready as I will ever be." We get in her car and drive over to the court house. My mom said that the judge agreed if they take any custody away from her it goes to my cousin Louis who I will be moving in with, at least for the next year.

"My ruling is that Madison shall keep partial custody over Lindsey. Louis her cousin will take partial custody over her. Bill will have no rights to see Lindsey. That is my final ruling. And Bill must stay at least 100 feet away from Lindsey at all times." With that the judge slammed his gavel down.

"Mom we won!" I started jumping up and down with a huge smile on my face. My mom and I rushed out of the court house smiling we got home and packed up the moving van. In one week I'll be moving in with my cousin Louis. I'm really nervous. My last name is different but once I enter England my name becomes Lindsey-Sara Tomlinson. Louis already thinks that is what my names is. My real name is Lindsey Sara Payne. Louis always called me by my full name so it works perfectly.

One week later

Louis' prov:

I am pulling into the airport parking lot. I have two security guards with me so I can't get mobbed by fans.

Buzzz buzzzz buzzzzzz

My phone is telling me I just received a text. Hey it's my cousin Lin.

*To: Lou

Hey I'm gonna be a day late.

From: Lin

*To: Lin

Ok then I'll meet you at the air port tomorrow.

From" Lou

I turn around and head home. I wonder why she is coming later than I was told. I'll just ask tomorrow.

Lindsey's prov*

My mom and I were walking up to the airport doors with all of our luggage. When a car comes out of no where. The driver was.......

"Dad!" I scream in fear.

*A few hours later*

My leg really hurts, and so does my head. I open my eyes and notice instantly where I am. I'm in the hospital. A doctor walks in and sees that I am awake. The first words I say are "where is my mom?" a look of sadness flashes across his face.

"I'm very sorry to inform you but she died an hour ago because of the crash." No, no this can't happen! I can't speak my throat hurts so much. At least I know sign language, I am very fluent in sign language.

I sign to the doctor 'When will I be able to leave?'

"Tomorrow morning." I begin crying and all he can say is he is very sorry for my loss. He walks out of the room and I text Louis and tell him I will be a day late. He says ok. How am I gonna talk to him? I have officially gone mute. I just lay in my bed engulfed in my thoughts when I realize that it's midnight our time and I finally text Louise again.

*To: Lou

-Hey boo does anybody in the band know sign language?

From: Lin

*To: Lin

-yea why?

From: Lou

*To: Lou

-Can you bring them with you to the airport tomorrow, I will explain everything when we get to your flat tomorrow.

From: Lin

*To: Lin


From: Lou

The nurse said that I can get up and get dressed so I am ready to leave early tomorrow morning. I hobble over to my suit case with my broken ankle. I grab a pair of Acid washed light blue jeans, a bright purple tank top and a white sweater. I slip on my blue converse and close up my suite case again. Looks like I have to go through everything from my old house and figure out what is trash and what is to be kept. Louis said he has a surprise for me when I get there, I wonder what it is?

I'm not who you think I am (UNEDITED FROM LIKE 2012)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon