Chapter 7

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Lindsey's prov*

I scream and I find myself waking a hospital bed. I see someone sitting next to the bed, his head is in his hands. He looks like he is crying. I reach over and touch his shoulder. He looks up at me. "Lindsey? Doctor! Doctor she's awake!" He bolts to the door looking for a doctor. A doctor runs in. 

"Hello Lindsey, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks.

"I'm fine, why am I in the hospital? How long have I been here?" I start firing questions off to him.

"Don't you remember? You were hit by a car two days ago, you were knocked into coma. Your mom was also hit but she sustained much more sever injuries. I'm sorry to say she has passed away." I look up to the boy that was in my room when I woke up.

"Lou...where is my dad?" my voice cracked.

"Your dad was caught and arrested. I am now your legal guardian." He puts on a slight smile, I reach over and hug him.

"Ok well Lindsey since your awake now, you can leave, so just get dressed and you go." and with that the doctor and Louis walk out into the hall leaving me in private to get changed. I pulled on the light pink dress that was sitting on the table beside me, I slide my good foot into one of my black high tops and grab the crutches next to my bed and hopped out into the hall. 

"Hey, I'm ready to go." I tell Lou a little shakily.

"Ok by the way I have a huge surprise for you!" oh no, I hate surprises!

"What do you have planned, come on you know I hate surprises!"

"You will just have to wait and see! By the way do you like the dress I bought you?"

"You picked this out! I love it!"

"Good! Now come on let's get in the car and get you home." we get into his car and drive up to a hotel. "Ok this is the room that you will be staying in, Eleanor and Dani are staying in this room too so you won't be so lonely. Now the guys and I have a concert tonight so be ready to leave at around 6:00."

"What time is it now?"

"It's 4:00"

"Ok I'll be ready." and with that I close the hotel room door and crutch into the bathroom, I shower as quickly as I can. I move into my room and find a bag laying on the bed. I blow dry my long red hair. I pull it up into high pony tail. I grab the bag and open it to find a golden sundress, and a jean jacket. I put on a little bit of eye liner and some golden eye shadow. I slip into my white flats. After a moment there is a knock on my door.

"Who is it?"

"it's Eleanor, Louis told me to make sure you are wearing the golden dress he left on your bed." I open the door and Eleanor gasps. "You look so beautiful!" She says

"Awwww thanks! You look gorgeous yourself." and with that all five of the guys walk in. Louis runs over to me and picks me up by the waist and throws me over his shoulder, thank god I decided to wear shorts under my dress!

"Lou put me down! Put me down!" I say while slamming my hands against his back.

"I'll save you." and suddenly I am not over Louis' shoulder I am in Harry's arms. "Boo was she bothering you?" Lou nods.

"What! Your the one that picked me up! How could you be sure that this dress was long enough and I was wearing shorts?" and with that Louis' face goes bright red and everyone starts laughing.

"Ok, ok lets go!" we all leave the hotel room. Harry still holding me in his arms.

"Wait where are my crutches? I can't really go any where with out them!" 

"You won't need them, you can't use the crutches tonight. Otherwise how would we know you won't run out on our surprise?" Louis tells me with a very suspicious look on his face. I know that look all to well. When we were little that was the look he would wear before throwing a snowball in my face! 

"Lou when you smile like that I never trust you! That's the face you used before throwing a snowball at me when we were little!" he starts laughing and we keep on walking down the hall. I am really nervous about what he has planned but there is nothing I can do about it.

I'm not who you think I am (UNEDITED FROM LIKE 2012)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ